Frasa ' buku adalahah jendela dunia ' mungkin harus di revisi dengan penambahan kata ' elektronik' setelah kata 'buku' terkait dengan isu lingkungan yang semakin santer. Jadi, kira-kira akan seperi ini " Elektronik adalah jendela dunia "
Buku elektronik ( e-book atau bahkan ada yang menyebutnya ecobook ) menjadi semakin populer sekarang ini. Padahal, e-book awalnya hanya bersifat paguyuban dan dibaca oleh segelintir orang yang berkepentingan. Ruang lingkup yang di bahas pun hanya sebatas panduan teknis hardware, teknik manufaktur, dan subyek sejenis lainnya. Namun, sejak 2008, cara pemasaran e-book yang semakin ' maju ' keselarasan format, variasi alat pembacanya ( book reader ), plus user friendly, membuat e-book semakin di gandrungi. Book reader seperti Amazon's kindle atau sony's PRS-500 pun merajai pasar dunia.
Terkait lingkungan, sangat naif kiranya kalau ebook dikatakan sebagai solusi atas kompleksitas permasalahan ini. Dari kata ' elektronik ' yang merujuk pada makna listrik saja sudah jelas, e-book juga mengkonsumsi energi. Namun, jika dibandingkan dengan format buku konservatif ( cetak ), satu jam daya yang di konsumsi laptop atau PC untuk membaca e-book sama dengan energi yang dibutuhkan hanya untuk memproduksi empat lembar kertas, bayangkan berapa banyak jumlah energi yang di habiskan untuk memproduksi satu eksemplar buku yang rata-rata berjumlah 100 lembar !
Selain itu, industri bubur kertas dan kertas merupakan salah satu penyumbang terbesar bagi polusi udara, air, dan tanah di dunia. Belum lagi bahan bakar yang di habiskan untuk pendistribusian. Sementara e-book dapat dibeli lewat cara mengunduh.
Menurut data Conservatree ( LSM Amerika ), satu ton kertas yang digunakan untuk percetakan atau perkantaoran bernilai sama dengan pemangkasan 24 pohon dengan tinggi 40 kaki dan diameter 6-8 inci. Selain itu, penggunaan bahan kimia ( tinta dan lainnya ) juga tidak dapat di elakkan dalam proses produksi buku konservatif.
Jadi, ubahlah sedikit kebiasaan kamu, maka hasilnya akan sangat berharga bagi bumi.
Selasa, 31 Agustus 2010
Senin, 30 Agustus 2010
Pasang Artikel Populer Tanpa Eror
Pasang artikel populer tanpa eror, banyak yang telah mencoba script artikel populer tetapi hasilnya tidak menampilkan artikel popular, jika tampilpun lengkap dengan URl Postingan.
Nah ... Jika kamu mengalami masalah di atas coba deh pasang script artikel populer ini di blog kamu.
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Silahkan ganti warna merah dengan Url Blog kamu
Warna biru adalah jumlah artikel yang tampil.
Baca juga : Cara membuat postingan terbaru
The Quilt in the Picture
Photograph purchased in Texas, probably from about 1910
Georgia artist and historian Vista Ann Mahan is the expert on quilts in old photos. For years she has been collecting pictures of people with quilts as backdrops. She also has collected information about the photograph style, finding it to be a Southern regionalism.
Vista in a portait for Ladies Circle Patchwork Quilts about 1991
Those of us who collect old photos come across these occasionally in antique shops. With the advent of online auctions we have more access to them, but the competition for the photos tends to be tough. Somebody always bids $1 more than I am willing to pay.
A recent online auction piece
In her paper on the topic for the American Quilt Study Group in 1991 Vista found that of the 59 photos she could date at the time, the most common time frame was between 1891-1920. One portrait of her family with a quilt backdrop dates to 1860.
Vista believes that these photos were done by itinerant professionals. Rural people remembered photographers who came "to a community once or twice a year, stopping by all the farms inquring if families wanted their picture made."
The examples she found were primarily from the Southeastern U.S. although she had one Canadian example.
We can imagine that the quilt in the picture provided both physical background and symbolic status. In this case, the use of a T-patterned quilt MAY have symbolized the girl's enthusiasm for Temperance ideals.
Vista's paper "Quilts Used as Backdrops in Old Photographs" was published in the research papers of the American Quilt Study Group: Uncoverings 1991. See ordering information by clicking here:
If all this sounds interesting to you you will want to attend this year's American Quilt Study Group Seminar in Minnesota on October 14-17, 2010.
Click here for more information:
It's the place for quilt history.
See family photos by clicking on these links.
Photographers often used coverlet and tablecloths for backdrops too.
Sabtu, 28 Agustus 2010
Smooth Criminal
This is the first time in my life I get mistaken for a criminal. Such is life in sunny, petrified Caracas. Here's the story.
We arrive home almost at midnight to find that the electronic garage door opener of the apartment doesn't work. Luckily, a neighbor shows up in their car, so I get out of the car to ask them if they can open the gate for us, ours is broken, yadda, yadda. They don't open their windows, and like every car in Caracas, their windows are tinted black, so I can't see them. This is all very confusing to me. I ask them with hand signals to roll down their windows. Nothing happens. I go back to the car and report that they won't talk to me. Not only that, they seem to be retreating. Finally, the driver rolls down his window. It's a couple in their thirties. I ask him if they can please open the gate since our thingy is broken. I tell them the apartment number where we live. They look at me as if they were constipated and mute and I am some sort of evil alien. She is shaking her head. So I lose patience and I ask what's the problem. "The problem is we don't know you and we don't want to open the gate". But you can see that I'm not gonna mug you, I say. A middle aged goldilocks with glasses, for crying out loud.
I go back to the car, retrieve the opener and bring it so they can see it. They get really upset and start screaming at me, "You don't understand the reality of this country and you have the wrong attitude".
My appearance and my story do not reassure them in the least.
Somehow finally they open the gate. Now I realize that what I saw in their faces was naked fear. They were afraid of me. And every single thing I did, did nothing but reinforce their fears. Who knows, I could be part of an elaborate ruse to deprive them of their possessions and perhaps their lives, probably with unspeakable violence. It has happened before, with the most outlandish scenarios.
Shit is so bad in this place, people can't even trust their instincts any more. Civility is gone.
Common sense has left the building.
We arrive home almost at midnight to find that the electronic garage door opener of the apartment doesn't work. Luckily, a neighbor shows up in their car, so I get out of the car to ask them if they can open the gate for us, ours is broken, yadda, yadda. They don't open their windows, and like every car in Caracas, their windows are tinted black, so I can't see them. This is all very confusing to me. I ask them with hand signals to roll down their windows. Nothing happens. I go back to the car and report that they won't talk to me. Not only that, they seem to be retreating. Finally, the driver rolls down his window. It's a couple in their thirties. I ask him if they can please open the gate since our thingy is broken. I tell them the apartment number where we live. They look at me as if they were constipated and mute and I am some sort of evil alien. She is shaking her head. So I lose patience and I ask what's the problem. "The problem is we don't know you and we don't want to open the gate". But you can see that I'm not gonna mug you, I say. A middle aged goldilocks with glasses, for crying out loud.
I go back to the car, retrieve the opener and bring it so they can see it. They get really upset and start screaming at me, "You don't understand the reality of this country and you have the wrong attitude".
My appearance and my story do not reassure them in the least.
Somehow finally they open the gate. Now I realize that what I saw in their faces was naked fear. They were afraid of me. And every single thing I did, did nothing but reinforce their fears. Who knows, I could be part of an elaborate ruse to deprive them of their possessions and perhaps their lives, probably with unspeakable violence. It has happened before, with the most outlandish scenarios.
Shit is so bad in this place, people can't even trust their instincts any more. Civility is gone.
Common sense has left the building.
Tips online saat mudik
Mudik sudah menjadi tradisi tiap menjelang lebaran. Banyak orang yang bekerja diluar kota berbondong-bondong pulang kekampung halaman untuk menjenguk sanak saudara.
Nah.. bagi kamu yang sering bergelut di dunia internet, mungkin kamu akan merasa terasingkan saat perjalanan mudik ! Maka dari itu blog info akan sedikit memberi tips online menggunakan handphone saat mudik, agar perjalanan mudik kamu menyenangkan.
Yuk Lihat :
1. Jangan lupa membawa charger handphone
Ada baiknya kamu membawa charger handphone, untuk berjaga-jaga ketika baterai handphone habis ! Banyak charger darurat yang di jual di toko aksesoris, harga juga terjangkau !
2. Setting internet di handphone kamu
Periksa skema perubahan setting internet kamu. Jika perjalanan mudik kamu memerlukan waktu yang panjang, sebaiknya memilih paket internet mingguan atau bulanan.
3. Update aplikasi navigasi
Pastikan untuk mengecek update Ovi Maps , untuk nokia kamu bisa cek di alamat
4. Pasang browser tambahan di handphone kamu.
Browser bawaan ponsel memiliki banyak keterbatasan. Solusi mudah gunakan brower dari pengembang pihak ketiga, seperti opera mini dan skyfire !
5. Siapkan aplikasi jejaring sosial dan chat
Beberapa aplikasi seperti snaptu, fring, ebuddy mampu menyatukan beberapa fungsi jejaring sosial dan chat sekaligus. silahkan pilih salah satu.
6. Gunakan google latitude untuk berbagi lokasi
Dengan aplikasi ini kamu bisa menentukan jalur ( driving/walking direcktions) ke lokasi rekan atau tempat-tempat khusus, belokan demi belokan lewat layanan yang di berikan google. Asik bukan ?
Untuk mendapatkan aplikasi ini silahkan masuk di http://google.Com/latitude.
7. Follow di twiter tentang info lalu lintas
Kamu bisa bergabung di twitter metro comunity di twitter untuk mengetahui info lalu lintas terkini. Direktorat lalu lintas kepolisian daerah telah meluncurkan jejaring sosial tersebut dan bisa diakses 24 jam.
Dengan tips di atas kamu bisa melakukan kegiatan internet sambil menikmati perjalanan mudik, kamu bisa ngeblog, facebookkan, twitteran, chating, dan lain sebagainya. menyenangkan bukan ?
Sedikit tips online saat mudik di atas, semoga bermanfaat.
Nah.. bagi kamu yang sering bergelut di dunia internet, mungkin kamu akan merasa terasingkan saat perjalanan mudik ! Maka dari itu blog info akan sedikit memberi tips online menggunakan handphone saat mudik, agar perjalanan mudik kamu menyenangkan.
Yuk Lihat :
1. Jangan lupa membawa charger handphone
Ada baiknya kamu membawa charger handphone, untuk berjaga-jaga ketika baterai handphone habis ! Banyak charger darurat yang di jual di toko aksesoris, harga juga terjangkau !
2. Setting internet di handphone kamu
Periksa skema perubahan setting internet kamu. Jika perjalanan mudik kamu memerlukan waktu yang panjang, sebaiknya memilih paket internet mingguan atau bulanan.
3. Update aplikasi navigasi
Pastikan untuk mengecek update Ovi Maps , untuk nokia kamu bisa cek di alamat
4. Pasang browser tambahan di handphone kamu.
Browser bawaan ponsel memiliki banyak keterbatasan. Solusi mudah gunakan brower dari pengembang pihak ketiga, seperti opera mini dan skyfire !
5. Siapkan aplikasi jejaring sosial dan chat
Beberapa aplikasi seperti snaptu, fring, ebuddy mampu menyatukan beberapa fungsi jejaring sosial dan chat sekaligus. silahkan pilih salah satu.
6. Gunakan google latitude untuk berbagi lokasi
Dengan aplikasi ini kamu bisa menentukan jalur ( driving/walking direcktions) ke lokasi rekan atau tempat-tempat khusus, belokan demi belokan lewat layanan yang di berikan google. Asik bukan ?
Untuk mendapatkan aplikasi ini silahkan masuk di http://google.Com/latitude.
7. Follow di twiter tentang info lalu lintas
Kamu bisa bergabung di twitter metro comunity di twitter untuk mengetahui info lalu lintas terkini. Direktorat lalu lintas kepolisian daerah telah meluncurkan jejaring sosial tersebut dan bisa diakses 24 jam.
Dengan tips di atas kamu bisa melakukan kegiatan internet sambil menikmati perjalanan mudik, kamu bisa ngeblog, facebookkan, twitteran, chating, dan lain sebagainya. menyenangkan bukan ?
Sedikit tips online saat mudik di atas, semoga bermanfaat.
Tips Pengusir Jenuh dan Stres Dalam Bekerja
Tidak di pungkiri, ketika kamu bekerja pasti akan mengalami masalah kebosanan atau jenuh dalam pekerjaan kamu . Ini sering di alami ketika kamu sudah lama bekerja. banyak faktor yang menyebabkan kamu stres dan jenuh, seperti tekanan dari pemilik usaha/bos, selisih dengan rekan kerja, pekerjaan yang menumpuk atau sering dimarahi oleh bos/pemilik usaha karena pekerjaan selalu salah.
Jangan anggap enteng masalah ini, jika kamu tidak bisa mengatasinya, bukan pekerjaan saja yang tambah rumit juga kesehatan kamu akan terganggu.
Berikut tips mengatasi kejenuhan dalam Bekerja
1. Bisa Menempatkan Masalah
Jangan gabungkan masalah pekerjaan kamu dengan kehidupan pribadi . Jika ada kesempatan berlibur, nikmatilah sebaik-baiknya bersama keluarga. Dengan begitu saat kembali bekerja, kamu akam kembali rileks dan bersemangat.
2. Minimalisir Kesalahan
Saat melakukan kesalahan jangan terlalu merasa terpuruk, hal yang manusiawi ketika manusia melakukan kesalahan. Tapi jangan melakukan kesalahan sewaktu ada hal penting dalam pekerjaan, karena akan berdampak merugikan bagi kamu jika kamu melakukan kesalahan.
3. Diskusi Dengan Rekan Kantor
Sesekali bisa mengajak teman sekantor untuk santai sejdnak atau makam siang bareng, saat ada waktu luang. Ada kemungkinan saat tengah makan siang kamu bisa menemukan solusi masalah. Selain itu rekan kerja juga bisa saling memberikan solusi terbaik untuk kamu.
4. Introspeksi Diri
Semakin cepat kamu bekerja, semakin mudah stres. Untuk mengatasinya , catat kejadian-kejadian yang membuat kamu stres di sepanjang hari kerja. Pelajari agar tidak terulang lagi lain waktu.
5. Cari Tahu Penyebab Stres
Dengan mengenali penyebab stres, maka kamu bisa cepat menemukan solusi terbaik.
6. Konsultasi Dengan Ahli
Ada baiknya juga lakukan konsultasi dengan konselor atau psikolog yang memang memiliki kemampuan untuk mengatasi hal-hal seperti ini.
Demikian tips dari blog info , semoga bermanfaat.
Baca juga : Lima tips Ketrampilan Sales
Jangan anggap enteng masalah ini, jika kamu tidak bisa mengatasinya, bukan pekerjaan saja yang tambah rumit juga kesehatan kamu akan terganggu.
Berikut tips mengatasi kejenuhan dalam Bekerja
1. Bisa Menempatkan Masalah
Jangan gabungkan masalah pekerjaan kamu dengan kehidupan pribadi . Jika ada kesempatan berlibur, nikmatilah sebaik-baiknya bersama keluarga. Dengan begitu saat kembali bekerja, kamu akam kembali rileks dan bersemangat.
2. Minimalisir Kesalahan
Saat melakukan kesalahan jangan terlalu merasa terpuruk, hal yang manusiawi ketika manusia melakukan kesalahan. Tapi jangan melakukan kesalahan sewaktu ada hal penting dalam pekerjaan, karena akan berdampak merugikan bagi kamu jika kamu melakukan kesalahan.
3. Diskusi Dengan Rekan Kantor
Sesekali bisa mengajak teman sekantor untuk santai sejdnak atau makam siang bareng, saat ada waktu luang. Ada kemungkinan saat tengah makan siang kamu bisa menemukan solusi masalah. Selain itu rekan kerja juga bisa saling memberikan solusi terbaik untuk kamu.
4. Introspeksi Diri
Semakin cepat kamu bekerja, semakin mudah stres. Untuk mengatasinya , catat kejadian-kejadian yang membuat kamu stres di sepanjang hari kerja. Pelajari agar tidak terulang lagi lain waktu.
5. Cari Tahu Penyebab Stres
Dengan mengenali penyebab stres, maka kamu bisa cepat menemukan solusi terbaik.
6. Konsultasi Dengan Ahli
Ada baiknya juga lakukan konsultasi dengan konselor atau psikolog yang memang memiliki kemampuan untuk mengatasi hal-hal seperti ini.
Demikian tips dari blog info , semoga bermanfaat.
Baca juga : Lima tips Ketrampilan Sales
October Meetings
October is the time for conferences, symposia and trade shows.
Here are your options for travel, education, and getting in touch with the quilting and textile community. I've focused on programs that include antique quilts. For contemporary quilts you can find many more by doing an internet search for the words Quilt Conference October.
Lincoln, Nebraska October 6-9
Recent Pakistani quilt from the IQSC Collection
East Lansing, Michigan October 8-10
Michigan State University Museum will host "Unpacking Collections: The Legacy of Cuesta Benberry and a Symposium on Using Quilt History Collections" to explore the connections between using collections in making or studying quilts. Click here:
Minneapolis, Minnesota October 14-17
Houston, Texas October 30-November 1
Carpenter's Square from the Quilts Inc. Corporate Collection
International Quilt Market, the quilt shop trade show is followed by the International Quilt Festival, which is open to the public. November 4-7. Click here: The Houston show always has a good exhibit or two about antique quilts.
Jumat, 27 Agustus 2010
Hot Priyanka Chopra Hot
Priyanka Chopra has become the best recent Bollywood adorableness to hit Kashmir. She is currently in the Valley cutting for her accessible film, Vishal Bhardwaj's Saat Khoon Maaf . Priyanka's avatar of a Muslim woman - complete with salwar-kameez and burqa - absolutely attracts attention.
But above her makeover what's absorbing to agenda is the bound aegis award that has been befuddled about the film's crew, including Priyanka.
Heavy aegis greeted admirers and tourists at the acclaimed Shalimar Gardens in Srinagar area Bhardwaj was cutting a arrangement with Priyanka and Irrfan Khan.
Reports additionally advance that the aegis admiral had blocked a allotment of the garden.
Onlookers were additionally told not to bang photographs of Bhardwaj's blur unit, abrogation them disappointed.
"Vishal Bhardwaj abiding for a acrimonious aegis awning afore extensive the Valley. He didn't appetite to booty any chances. As for Priyanka, about two-three securitymen are consistently attention her during alfresco shoots," a antecedent informed.
Priyanka's agent Natasha Pal said the extra was annoyed with the aegis arrangements.
"But we can't altercate aegis capacity because of accessible reasons," said Pal.
Priyanka will be cutting in Kashmir for addition seven-eight days.
The Bollywood heartthrob, on her part, is afflicted with Kashmir's beauty.
"I am in beauteous Kashmir... It's too beautiful... amidst by the admirable mountains... feels like heaven on the earth... ambition my apperception was at affluence too," she tweeted.
But for Priyanka's abreast Bipasha Basu though, the Kashmir acquaintance wasn't all that rosy.
In 2008, Bipasha larboard the cutting of Rahul Dholakia's Lamhaa amidst fearing for her assurance afterwards the locals created a ruckus. She alternate two months after to complete her arrangement amidst tighter security.
Of late, Kashmir has been alluring several Bollywood filmmakers.
Not continued ago, Juhi Chawla and Manisha Koirala attempt for Onir's authoritative adventure I Am Megha on the banks of river Jhelum with abounding aegis cover.
Coming aback to Priyanka, she feels that her role in Saat Khoon Maaf is the " best difficult" in her career.
"I accept been so lost... this activity is demography the mickey out of me... the best difficult role of my life," she wrote on her Twitter page.
In the film, Priyanka plays a woman who kills seven husbands. Naseeruddin Shah plays her oldest bedmate while added names in the cine are Annu Kapoor, Neil Nitin Mukesh, Shah's son Vivaan and John Abraham amid others.
Priyanka Chopra Hot
Priyanka Chopra Hot
Priyanka Chopra Hot
Priyanka Chopra Hot
Priyanka Chopra Hot
Priyanka Chopra Hot
Priyanka Chopra Hot
Priyanka Chopra Hot
Priyanka Chopra Hot
Priyanka Chopra Hot
Priyanka Chopra Hot
Priyanka Chopra Hot
Priyanka Chopra Hot
Priyanka Chopra Hot
Priyanka Chopra Hot
But above her makeover what's absorbing to agenda is the bound aegis award that has been befuddled about the film's crew, including Priyanka.
Heavy aegis greeted admirers and tourists at the acclaimed Shalimar Gardens in Srinagar area Bhardwaj was cutting a arrangement with Priyanka and Irrfan Khan.
Reports additionally advance that the aegis admiral had blocked a allotment of the garden.
Onlookers were additionally told not to bang photographs of Bhardwaj's blur unit, abrogation them disappointed.
"Vishal Bhardwaj abiding for a acrimonious aegis awning afore extensive the Valley. He didn't appetite to booty any chances. As for Priyanka, about two-three securitymen are consistently attention her during alfresco shoots," a antecedent informed.
Priyanka's agent Natasha Pal said the extra was annoyed with the aegis arrangements.
"But we can't altercate aegis capacity because of accessible reasons," said Pal.
Priyanka will be cutting in Kashmir for addition seven-eight days.
The Bollywood heartthrob, on her part, is afflicted with Kashmir's beauty.
"I am in beauteous Kashmir... It's too beautiful... amidst by the admirable mountains... feels like heaven on the earth... ambition my apperception was at affluence too," she tweeted.
But for Priyanka's abreast Bipasha Basu though, the Kashmir acquaintance wasn't all that rosy.
In 2008, Bipasha larboard the cutting of Rahul Dholakia's Lamhaa amidst fearing for her assurance afterwards the locals created a ruckus. She alternate two months after to complete her arrangement amidst tighter security.
Of late, Kashmir has been alluring several Bollywood filmmakers.
Not continued ago, Juhi Chawla and Manisha Koirala attempt for Onir's authoritative adventure I Am Megha on the banks of river Jhelum with abounding aegis cover.
Coming aback to Priyanka, she feels that her role in Saat Khoon Maaf is the " best difficult" in her career.
"I accept been so lost... this activity is demography the mickey out of me... the best difficult role of my life," she wrote on her Twitter page.
In the film, Priyanka plays a woman who kills seven husbands. Naseeruddin Shah plays her oldest bedmate while added names in the cine are Annu Kapoor, Neil Nitin Mukesh, Shah's son Vivaan and John Abraham amid others.
Priyanka Chopra Hot
Priyanka Chopra Hot
Priyanka Chopra Hot
Priyanka Chopra Hot
Priyanka Chopra Hot
Priyanka Chopra Hot
Priyanka Chopra Hot
Priyanka Chopra Hot
Priyanka Chopra Hot
Priyanka Chopra Hot
Priyanka Chopra Hot
Priyanka Chopra Hot
Priyanka Chopra Hot
Priyanka Chopra Hot
Priyanka Chopra Hot
Priyanka arranged her father's B'day bash in advance 2010
Priyanka Chopra is in Brazil hosting Fear Factor 3 but she made sure that her father Dr Ashok Chopra celebrated his birthday (August 23) in a grand manner. She'd made all the necessary arrangements before she left.
Dr Chopra's birthday bash was held at a Juhu hotel. Priyanka had sent out invites to relatives all over the country and abroad in advance. The actress wanted him to be surrounded by friends and family to make up for her absence.
The star papa says, "The party was organised by Priyanka, my wife and son. It was all done before she left for Brazil. It was a beautiful surprise! In spite of her busy schedule, she called extended family members and friends from all over the world, my brothers, sisters and their children. They all put up a grand show where we all sang and danced together. I was told it was to be a small family get-together at the Novotel hotel in Juhu but when I reached there, I saw this huge gathering of all near and dear ones."
Apart from family, there were also some of Chopras' close friends like Satish Kaushik, Javed Akhtar and Shabana Azmi, Sajid Nadiadwala (who is producing Priyanka's next film, Anjaana Anjaani), Ramesh Sippy, Tanvi Azmi, Khayyam saab and Neetu Chandra.
Papa Chopra, who is a trained singer, sang one of Khayyam's compositions and the lyricist was so moved that he came up on stage to bless the 'birthday boy.' "Apart from the surprise birthday party Priyanka also gifted me a huge watch. She kept calling every two hours from Brazil to check if everything was going smoothly. I missed her a lot. She told me that she was very upset that she was not there."
The proud father adds, "My son, who is learning hotel management, organised the entire menu. He also looked after the comfort of all the guests. We had a beautiful Mata Ki Chowki (prayed to God) the previous night while Dr Arvind Lal conducted a havan for me in the morning. I am proud to have such a wonderful family."
Priyanka Chopra
Priyanka Chopra
Priyanka Chopra
Priyanka Chopra
Priyanka Chopra
Priyanka Chopra
Priyanka Chopra
Priyanka Chopra
Priyanka Chopra
Priyanka Chopra
Priyanka Chopra
Priyanka Chopra
Priyanka Chopra
Priyanka Chopra
Priyanka Chopra
Dr Chopra's birthday bash was held at a Juhu hotel. Priyanka had sent out invites to relatives all over the country and abroad in advance. The actress wanted him to be surrounded by friends and family to make up for her absence.
The star papa says, "The party was organised by Priyanka, my wife and son. It was all done before she left for Brazil. It was a beautiful surprise! In spite of her busy schedule, she called extended family members and friends from all over the world, my brothers, sisters and their children. They all put up a grand show where we all sang and danced together. I was told it was to be a small family get-together at the Novotel hotel in Juhu but when I reached there, I saw this huge gathering of all near and dear ones."
Apart from family, there were also some of Chopras' close friends like Satish Kaushik, Javed Akhtar and Shabana Azmi, Sajid Nadiadwala (who is producing Priyanka's next film, Anjaana Anjaani), Ramesh Sippy, Tanvi Azmi, Khayyam saab and Neetu Chandra.
Papa Chopra, who is a trained singer, sang one of Khayyam's compositions and the lyricist was so moved that he came up on stage to bless the 'birthday boy.' "Apart from the surprise birthday party Priyanka also gifted me a huge watch. She kept calling every two hours from Brazil to check if everything was going smoothly. I missed her a lot. She told me that she was very upset that she was not there."
The proud father adds, "My son, who is learning hotel management, organised the entire menu. He also looked after the comfort of all the guests. We had a beautiful Mata Ki Chowki (prayed to God) the previous night while Dr Arvind Lal conducted a havan for me in the morning. I am proud to have such a wonderful family."
Priyanka Chopra
Priyanka Chopra
Priyanka Chopra
Priyanka Chopra
Priyanka Chopra
Priyanka Chopra
Priyanka Chopra
Priyanka Chopra
Priyanka Chopra
Priyanka Chopra
Priyanka Chopra
Priyanka Chopra
Priyanka Chopra
Priyanka Chopra
Priyanka Chopra
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Baca juga : Membuat Menu Navigasi
Kamis, 26 Agustus 2010
Lintas Berita Sumber Trafik
Lintas berita sumber trafik ? Hmm . . Bener juga sih, selama saya submit artikel di situs lintas berita, trafik blog ini meningkat, asal artikel yang kita submit di lintas berita mampu menarik pengunjung.
Apa lagi jika artikel kita masuk dalam Top 10 artikel atau paling tidak Top 10 dalam salah satu kategori, kemungkinan besar trafik pun akan membanjiri blog kita.
Tidak heran jika trafik kita meningkat setelah mengirim artikel di sana ( dengan catatan artikel kita menarik ) karena lintas berita dikunjungi lebih dari 10rb visitor tiap hari.
Coba bayangkan jika kita mampu memancing separoh visitor situs tersebut keblog kita, bakal rame pengunjuh tuh.
Lintas berita juga menganut sistem dofollow, jadi kita juga bisa dapat backlink, walaupun beberapa waktu lalu LB sempat tidak memberikan backlink kepada submitter dengan menambah frame yang memudahkan pengunjung kembali lagi ke lintas berita, tetapi saat ini situs tersebut sudah kembali Dofollow, yang artinya akan memberikan backlink bagi situs yang mensubmit artikel di lintas berita.
Seperti beberapa artikel saya yaitu Langkah Penting Menjadi Wirausahawan begitu juga dengan Tips Mengecek Hardware Blackberry tapi yang paling banyak mendapatkan trafik yaitu 6 Ponsel Desain Kotak Panjang Terbaru berhasil masuk dalam 10 besar kategori teknologi, lumayan juga trafiknya.
Sedikit tips submit ke Lintas berita
1. Submit artikel pada jam-jam yang ramai visitor.
2. Bedakan judul dan deskripsi artikel kita ketika submit, agar artikel kita tidak di sangka menjiplak LB oleh search enggine, karena LB menpunyai PR Tinggi.
3. Gunakan judul dan deskripsi yang unik dan membuat orang ingin mengunjungi.
-> Misalkan judul artikel di blog " 6 Ponsel Desain Kotak Panjang Terbaru " kamu bisa ubah judul tersebut agar menarik, hingga menjadi seperti ini " Ponsel-ponsel Terbaru Dengan Desain Kotak Panjang Yang Sedang Bomming Saat Ini "
-> Deskripsi yang unik misalkan " Ponsel-ponsel Terbaru saat ini memiliki desain berbentuk kotak panjang dengan fitur-fitur yang canggih , berikut beberapa ponsel berdesain kotak panjang .. "
Yang jelas buatlah yang semenarik mungkin.
4. Lakukan Bookmark setelah submit, itu untuk mengetahui vote yang didapat. jika tidak juga ngak papa sih. Jika dalam beberapa jam artikel kita di vote lebih dari 100, kemungkinan besar akan masuk halaman utama LB.
5. Berdoa , supaya banyak yang menyukai artikel kita !
Itulah sedikit tips dari saya .. semoga bermanfaat.
Apa lagi jika artikel kita masuk dalam Top 10 artikel atau paling tidak Top 10 dalam salah satu kategori, kemungkinan besar trafik pun akan membanjiri blog kita.
Tidak heran jika trafik kita meningkat setelah mengirim artikel di sana ( dengan catatan artikel kita menarik ) karena lintas berita dikunjungi lebih dari 10rb visitor tiap hari.
Coba bayangkan jika kita mampu memancing separoh visitor situs tersebut keblog kita, bakal rame pengunjuh tuh.
Lintas berita juga menganut sistem dofollow, jadi kita juga bisa dapat backlink, walaupun beberapa waktu lalu LB sempat tidak memberikan backlink kepada submitter dengan menambah frame yang memudahkan pengunjung kembali lagi ke lintas berita, tetapi saat ini situs tersebut sudah kembali Dofollow, yang artinya akan memberikan backlink bagi situs yang mensubmit artikel di lintas berita.
Seperti beberapa artikel saya yaitu Langkah Penting Menjadi Wirausahawan begitu juga dengan Tips Mengecek Hardware Blackberry tapi yang paling banyak mendapatkan trafik yaitu 6 Ponsel Desain Kotak Panjang Terbaru berhasil masuk dalam 10 besar kategori teknologi, lumayan juga trafiknya.
Sedikit tips submit ke Lintas berita
1. Submit artikel pada jam-jam yang ramai visitor.
2. Bedakan judul dan deskripsi artikel kita ketika submit, agar artikel kita tidak di sangka menjiplak LB oleh search enggine, karena LB menpunyai PR Tinggi.
3. Gunakan judul dan deskripsi yang unik dan membuat orang ingin mengunjungi.
-> Misalkan judul artikel di blog " 6 Ponsel Desain Kotak Panjang Terbaru " kamu bisa ubah judul tersebut agar menarik, hingga menjadi seperti ini " Ponsel-ponsel Terbaru Dengan Desain Kotak Panjang Yang Sedang Bomming Saat Ini "
-> Deskripsi yang unik misalkan " Ponsel-ponsel Terbaru saat ini memiliki desain berbentuk kotak panjang dengan fitur-fitur yang canggih , berikut beberapa ponsel berdesain kotak panjang .. "
Yang jelas buatlah yang semenarik mungkin.
4. Lakukan Bookmark setelah submit, itu untuk mengetahui vote yang didapat. jika tidak juga ngak papa sih. Jika dalam beberapa jam artikel kita di vote lebih dari 100, kemungkinan besar akan masuk halaman utama LB.
5. Berdoa , supaya banyak yang menyukai artikel kita !
Itulah sedikit tips dari saya .. semoga bermanfaat.
Hoo Doo, Humility and Deliberate Mistakes
I've been saving pictures from online quilt sales in which the dealer advertises a HOO-DOO block or a HUMILITY BLOCK in the patterning. The quilt top above has an error in the top left hand block. A triangle is switched.
Here's one advertised as having hoo-doo block. I believe she is referring to a break in the patterning. Notice the blank peach-colored blocks at top left and in the second space up on the bottom right.
In this quilt from about 1900 the break in the patterning is a completely different design in the lower left hand corner.
I bring this up because I have carpenters working on my porch. One installed two of the three hinges on the screen door going one way and the third upside down. I pointed out this error to another carpenter. He shrugged and said, "It's a deliberate error for good luck."
Translation: "I don't want to fix it."
It's hard to see the error in this quilt from about 1900 so I put a red star on it in the lower row.
The phrase humility block alludes to the idea that in some religions it is considered too proud to attempt perfection, therefore one makes a deliberate error to prove to the deity that one is not perfect. (Exactly what religions is vague.)
But we can trace the idea all the way back to Arachne, an uppity human in Greco-Roman mythology, who was too proud of her weaving skills. She challenged the Goddess of Craft to a weaving duel, a bad choice on her part. Her weaving was perfection and the jealous Goddess turned her into a spider.
Those of us who make quilts know errors are all too easy to make.
Jean made this quilt for a pattern sample. None of us noticed the error (not the pattern drafter, the seamstress, the quilter or the editor) until we had it on the wall for photography.
The error is in the lower right area along the edge. She flipped a strip of triangles.
The errors tend to be accidental. The stories about hoo-doo and humility blocks tend to be hype designed to sell quilts.
Log Cabin, about 1900.
Remember that symmetry was not so important to people making quilts to use on a bed.
Don't fall into the trap of using your standards for perfection to interpret quilts from the past.
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