Sabtu, 31 Oktober 2009

I always hated Halloween...

...until I moved to New York City, where it's a holiday for adults.

Jumat, 30 Oktober 2009

Dedicated Follower of Fashion

Yesterday, yours truly was invited to the launch party of a new perfume from Yves Saint Laurent.
A mask was required and dutifully bought (Made in China, with feathers, $4.50 at the corner stationery), some extra sequins were applied to add that fashionable je ne sais quoi. We arrived at the venue at 9:30 (invite said 9:00) to find a growing line of extraordinarily patient masked people wearing what they considered "stylish attire" as requested by the invitation. This being the fashion world, I could see two trends (neither of which I am to adopt any time soon). One were shoes seemingly designed by the Marquis de Sade, with heels so high that women totter in them, instead of walking. The other were very short tube skirts that made the wearers look like cheap Mexican hookers (I'd say circa 1980, but this is the uniform of the Mexican skin trade to this day). I can understand the fetishistic allure of the cruelly high heel. Wanting to look like a Third World prostitute encased in derma is more of a mystery to me. There were several bouncers at the door and a woman with a nasty punim looking into the crowd, don't know for signs of what. The venue is pretty big so it didn't seem conceivable that it had already filled to capacity. We waited for about half an hour, only because the crowd was so well behaved and like us, thought, despite every evidence to the contrary, that there might be some reasonable reason for the wait. During this time, the line did not move forward one inch. I didn't see anyone checking names on "the list" (which I now believe is a fantastical construct made for innocents from the human world, like me). People were patient until they stopped being patient. People feverishly dialed numbers. Nothing moved. They went to the front, and then came back. Nothing moved. People then decided to mob the entrance, at which Miserable Punim started screaming at everyone to make one single line, suddenly oblivious to the one single line which had been in front of her all evening. After this, we decided to go get us some steaks and some wine at Azul. At 11:30 pm, as we passed by the party on our way home the street was deserted, the bouncers were still there and the gates were closed. The entire thing was extremely unwelcoming, but I guess that's fashion. They get a frisson over such things. I much prefer good manners.

KPK VS POLRI Makin Memanas, SBY pun Angkat Bicara

        Konflik KPK VS POLRI yang banyak disebut dengan sebutan Cicak lawan buaya ini kembali memanas dan menyeret 2 pimpinan KPK non aktif Bibit dan Chandra. Mereka menjadi tahanan BARESKRIM karena diduga telah menyalahgunakan kewenangan pencekalan terhadap bos PT. Era Giat Prima, Joko Soegiarto Tjandra. POLRI menilai KPK juga menganggu penyidikan yang dilakukan tim penyidik, karena kerap melakukan jumpa pers.

      Dukungan pun terus mengalir pada Bibit - Chandra, salah satunya dari Komite Bangkit Bersatu. Juru Bicara Komite Bangkit Bersatu, Adhie Massardie, menegaskan bahwa presiden SBY harus segera bertindak, sebab permasalahan yang muncul bukan perkara kriminal biasa, namun perseteruan antara badan penegak hukum, yaitu KPK dan POLRI. 

"Presiden selaku pimpinan politik nasional seharusnya menengahi konflik yang terjadi antar-lembaga. Seperti yang kita lihat sekarang antara KPK dan Polri," kata dia usai bertemu dengan pimpinan KPK di Gedung KPK, Jalan HR Rasuna Said, Jakarta, Jumat 30 Oktober 2009.

"Presiden punya hak untuk memberikan arahan untuk menangani konflik yang tengah terjadi walaupun tidak boleh mengintervensi hukum," tambah dia.

        Babak baru ini adalah buntut dari konflik antara KPK dan POLRI, Hari ini SBY juga menggelar jumpa pers menanggapi dugaan kasus Bibit dan Chandra bukan perkara kriminal biasa melainkan gesekan antara KPK dan Polri, SBY mengatakan itu bukan kewenangan Polri.

"Kalau gesekan itu sengketa kewenangan lembaga negara, itu bukan domain presiden, itu kewenangan MK [Mahkamah Konstitusi] untuk  menyelesaikannya," kata SBY di Istana Negara, Jakarta, Jumat 30 Oktober 2009.

Namun, kata SBY, jika ada yang mengatakan presiden semestinya mengundang pimpinan KPK dan Kepolisian, itu sudah dilakukan. "Sebagaimana gesekan KPK dengan lembaga negara lain dulu," tambah dia.

Ditegaskan SBY, sebagai presiden dia tidak bisa mengintervensi hukum. "Misalnya [saya minta] jangan tahan seseorang, maka itu yah....saya melanggar sumpah," kata dia.

"Bagaimana mungkin saya melarang atau menyuruh penegak hukum dalam melakukan proses hukum," tambah dia.

SBY mengatakan tak mungkin presiden meminta aparat mengeluarkan Surat Penghentian Penyidikan Perkara (SP3). "Nah, kalau saya ikuti [permintaan SP3], bagaimana saya minta polisi yang sedang menyidik mengeluarkan SP3, meminta jaksa mengeluarkan SP3, kepada KPK apa lagi," tambah dia.

Jika itu dilakukan, kata SBY, sistem dan kehidupan bernegara terganggu. "Saya tidak boleh, saya tidak akan melakukan intervensi," tambah dia.

Medallion Club at C and T Publishing

November will mark the last chapter in the digital club that I have been doing for C&T Publishing this year. In Clues in the Calico: America's Earliest Quilts we've been building medallions around a central star block over the past 11 months . Above is my version of the center.

The club gives you a variety of authentic borders drawn from America's earliest quilts. Shown are two options. The October issue featured instructions for the Orange Peel border, outside edge on the right. September had the pattern for the Swag & Leaf border, outside edge on the left. November's chapter will include authentic period quilting designs for early patchwork.

Bobbi Finley stitched the quilt top below, using the Hartfield collection of English reproduction prints I designed last winter for Moda. Bobbi used a very British brickwork border for her outside frame.
Hartfield Medallion by Bobbi Finley, 2008

Denniele Bohannon made the version below with an outer zig zag border, a pattern often seen in the early quilts.

Too Spicy by Denniele Bohannon, Harrisonville, MO, quilted by Louise Lewis, Rich Hill, MO, 92” x 92”, 2008

Although the last installment will be posted soon, you can always subscribe to the digital club and use it like a book rather than a monthly installment. Go to C&T's Club page to find information. Click here:

We'll keep the installments on line there for quite a while. You can download the chapters and patterns to a disk or print them out once you've paid your $19.95. Each installment includes a lot of information about early quilts and early fabrics in addition to the patterns.

Click here to see a trial issue:

Above: a center section on a design wall I found in cyberspace. I think it is from Kim's Big Quilting Adventure.

Christiano Ronaldo dan Keterpurukan Real Madrid

       Cristiano Ronaldo (CR-9) memang memiliki seribu pesona, bagaimana tidak, banyak orang beranggapan bahwa terpuruknya Real madrid adalah buah dari cideranya CR-9. Mendengar kabar ini CR-9 mengungkapkan : "Saya memang tak sabar untuk bermain kembali sebab keinginan saya adalah bermain dan membantu tim,"
"Madrid sedang memburuk saat ini, tapi saya bukan penyelamat mereka meski ingin sekali membantu tim,"begitulah pernyataan yang dituturkan pemain termahal dunia saat ini.

     Pemain berusia 24 tahun itu mendapat cedera ketika memperkuat Portugal awal bulan ini, cideranya digadang-gadangadalah hasil guna - guna dari artis seksi dan kaya raya Paris Hilton, dan imbasnya Madrid mengalami hasil imbang 0-0 dengan Sporting Gijon di La Liga, kalah 2-3 dari AC Milan di Liga Champions dan yang terbaru nan paling mencengangkan adalah takluk 0-4 dari tim amatir divisi tiga Alcorcon di pentas Piala Raja Spanyol.

         Ronaldo dipastikan tidak bisa memperkuat skuad Real sampai sekitar akhir pekan depan, dan pastinya dia juga tidak akan tampil di laga melawan AC Milan dalam lanjutan liga champion pekan depan. Sangat disayangkan memang, kita tidak bisa melihat penampilan mega bintang yang menjadi pemain termahal dunia saat ini. Kita tunggu saja aksi dari CR-9 kedepannya.



Kamis, 29 Oktober 2009


This piece by Paul Rudnick about his favorite candy is very funny.
He likes a lot of chazerai. 
 I disagree with him that chocolate and peanut butter don't mix. I can only eat pb with chocolate. Even though I find that American commercial chocolate is way too sweet and too cheap, this does the trick:

Instead of Raisinets and Goobers, the new fabulous are the little Nestlé Crunch Buncha Crunch balls.

And whoever invented Dibs,  Ice Cream You Can Eat In The Dark With Your Hands, deserves the Nobel Prize for Physics, Chemistry and Joy:

My addiction are rice krispies treats. And moon pies. And the Cadbury Lion Bar. My idea of heaven. Now someone just needs to make the chocolate less cloying. When I was 16, I went to England for a month and I ate like 6 of these a day.

Anything with chocolate and crunch and sweet is good for me.
The Mexican version of the Hostess cupcakes is called Pingüinos Marinela and is way better than the Hostess.  More chocolatey and creamy.


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Rabu, 28 Oktober 2009

stephen wiltshire draws manhattan skyline from memory

stephen wiltshire drawing the manhattan skyline

image © stephen wiltshire

british artist stephen wiltshire is currently attempting to draw the manhattan skyline
from memory. since monday october 26th wiltshire began filling in an 18 foot canvas
at the pratt institute, brooklyn. the drawing is expected to be complete by friday.
you can follow his progress through the live webcam here.

wiltshire diagnosed with autism at the age of three displays an unusually powerful
photographic memory that he has applied to rendering cityscapes. he can look at the subject
of his drawing once and reproduce it accurately with photographic detail, down to the exact
number of columns or windows on a building. he memorizes their shapes, locations
and the architecture.

having completed cityscapes of some of the world’s most iconic cities - london, tokyo,
hong kong, rome, madrid, frankfurt, dubai, and jerusalem, the new york panorama marks
wiltshire’s last cityscape. after this piece is complete, he said he will pursue drawing
individual buildings.

image © stephen wiltshire

image © stephen wiltshire

Felice Varini's town-sized illusion




The buildings in the town of Vercorin in the Swiss Alps contribute to an impressive piece by Felice Varini, called Cercle et suite d'éclats. The pattern was projected on the town from the vantage point, then traced and painted. Photographs from the same spot in daylight make the town look flat, almost like a postcard. What I'd like to know is how he got the town to go along with it; I could see an easily-repainted suburb in the States being convinced, but this quaint (and much older) town in Switzerland seems like a much bigger challenge. Don't miss the panorama picture on Varini's site. [via Core77]

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My Head Is Spinning...

...after two days at an advertising production conference, the Boards Summit, where we heard that the sky is falling but the good news is that it may not fall completely on top of us. The reason for conferences such as this one is for industry people to connect. There are panels where industry leaders supposedly share something of value with the attendees. If they are any good, like graphic designer Stefan Stagmeister, you get inspired. Unfortunately, most of the time, you get self serving presentations of stuff that they have done that you have already seen on internet.
For the most part, I do wish that people would stop transparently shilling their own thing and start giving something worthwhile to the audience. One pays a lot of money to attend these events, and we might as well just hold an open bar for networking and dispense with the fiction of getting something of value other than schmoozing. Out of two full days of panels, I found a total of three to be interesting.
I wonder if it's just me, or my other creative colleagues are very good at hiding their cynicism, but after two days, my brain spins with the amount of BS advertising people are capable of spewing. Used car salesmen got nothing on us.
The one reassuring thing I learned, is that no matter how small the screen, and how intrusive or cool the constantly evolving technology, there will still be a need for writers (yay!). It turns out that more than ever there is still a need for "storytelling" and "narrative". Very reassuring, since these things have been around for thousands of years.
Interestingly enough then, that the new directors showcase showed nothing of the sort. Just mostly young guys doing crazy, non-narrative stuff with some panache but nothing to say. I'm the first person to embrace non-mainstream talent, but the selection this year was dismal. Some of the stuff was sheer stupid shock value, other was selfindulgent, most of it could not tell a "story". Talent is all well and good, particularly if it is exercised in the service of a brand and it still comes out looking like talent. That's what the director's showcase should be about. Either that, or real directorial prowess. There was only one (debatable) instance of that in the entire showcase and that was Cary Fukunaga's ad for Levi's. Now, I hate those pretentious spots (and so does everybody at the movies; people boo them off the screen), but directorially speaking, they are well done.
Now, "content" is in great demand. And what is "content"? Isn't it what we used to call movies, books, music, art: human expression unattached to selling a corporate brand? Now marketers want content, so this has become product as well. Content is really the expressive filler with which marketers expect to get your attention. The word is so Orwellian that it gives me the shivers, but I don't know anyone else that objects to it. Content has become product and product has become content and the lines are totally blurred. My colleagues seem to love this development. Me, I am scared out of my wits if I can't tell the difference between an ad and a non-ad, like a novel or a movie or a TV program or an article in a magazine. I don't mind great advertising, in fact, I love it and deeply admire it, as long as I know it's an ad and it is presented to me that way.
There is a lot of crap out there joining the content-social media-games-apps bandwagon, which is as utterly crappy as it was when it was a TV spot or a print ad (or even worse). The glut of messaging is frankly horrifying. And people are hunkering down and filtering out everything that does not apply to them. How many internet ads do I actually click on any given week? Probably one a month, if any.
The banners I get are totally off the mark. For a time, they assumed I was an Arab speaking lad willing to join the US Army. Lately, it's gotten a little better. Now they assume I have cellulite and wrinkles and am in sore need of Hydroderm. What do they know? How much "viral" content do I get through facebook or other internet media that I actually find amazing rather than stupid and puerile and a waste of time? Very little. I've learned a lot from what people share in facebook that represents their interests. Most of the time it's not ads. Agencies trying to viralize things that are obviously fabricated and artificially spread with useless effort deeply insult my intelligence. Luckily, there are incredibly smart, talented agencies doing awesome work in the new paradigm. The cream will always rise to the top.
Meanwhile, and at the risk of sounding quaint, there is the question of the Snuggie. I leave you to ponder that after all the bells and whistles of the new, this is the one thing that sold like pancakes, with an ugly ass ad on TV and a scary as hell internet page that behaves like an informercial on TV*.

*Which doesn't mean I am not fully embracing the experiential-viral-interactive-social media-mobile apps carnival. I'm just saying.

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Selasa, 27 Oktober 2009


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