Minggu, 31 Oktober 2010

Video Foto Letusan Merapi Terbaru | Gambar Merapi Meletus November

Letusan Terbaru Gunung Merapi - Video Terbaru Gunung Merapi Meletus - Foto Letusan Merapi - Hari ini senin pagi 1 November 2010 Pukul 10 lebih 4 menit Merapi Meletus Lagi. Tampak dalam Gambar, Awan panas beserta debu vulkanik atau wedhus gembel muntah dari puncak gunung merapi. Beberapa warga sekitar merapi berlarian mengungsi, terlihat warga desa sidorejo kemalang klaten yg berada pda kisaran 8km pun mulai turun, juga di desa tegalrandu dusun puleusrumung yg berjarak 5km pun sudah diinstruksikan tni untuk mengungsi. Arah dari awan panas nampaknya mengarah ke Boyolali. dan lahar panasnya menuju Kali Gendong dan Kali Bebeng di wilayah Yogyakarta. Dari sisi pos pantau daerah Kaliurang Yogyakarta terlihat awan panas ada yg membumbung tinggi dan laharnya meluncur ke arah Yogyakarta.

Video Letusan Merapi Terbaru
Kepala Badan Geologi R Sukhyar saat diwawancarai wartawan mengatakan bahwa arah awan panas dominan mengarah ke selatan, barat dan barat daya. dari foto,gambar dan Video Terbaru Letusan Merapi juga tampak awan panas mengeluarkan asap Sulfatara putih dan asap coklat pekat menyembur ke atas dengan ketinggian 1,5 km dengan arah angin ke Timur dan Utara. Tercatat lebih dari 6 kali sang gunung memuntahkan isinya. Menilik keterangan diatas, kemungkinan akan terjadi Hujan Abu Jogja pada hari ini. Lebih jelasnya, saksikan Video Letusan Merapi Terbaru yg dilaporkan wartawan tvone berikut :

Rasanya memang bencana tak henti-hentinya merundung ibu pertiwi ini, Video Terbaru Letusan Merapi seakan menjadi bukti bahwasannya indonesia tengah didera pilu. Upaya evakuasi terus dilakukan oleh pihak terkait baik pemerintah dan relawan. Semua bahu membahu mencoba melakukan upaya terbaiknya untuk menolong korban bencana, seperti yg terlihat dalam Video Tsunami Mentawai. Akankah kita hanya diam saja? Mari bantu korban bencana alam dengan menyisihkan sebagian rejeki kita, uluran tangan anda sangat dibutuhkan oleh mereka. Anda bisa menyalurkan bantuan salah satunya melalui Rekening Satu Untuk negeri TvOne di nomor 125-000-7926-793 (Mandiri), 275-111-111-0 (BCA) , 3009-2009-5 (BNI) , dan 0386-01-000-111-304 (BRI) atau melalui PMI Pusat di No. Rek: 206.300668.8 BCA KCU Thamrin atas nama Kantor Pusat PMI. Semoga kedermawanan hati saudara semuanya diberikan balasan yg jauh lebih besar oleh ALLAH SWT di akhirat nanti. Amiin Ya rabbal Alamin.

Video Foto Hujan Abu Jogja Solo | Gambar Letusan Merapi Terbaru

Hujan Abu Jogja Solo - Video Foto Hujan Abu - Gambar letusan Merapi Terbaru - Sekali lagi gunung merapi meletus dahsyat, kepulan awan panas bercampur lahar meluber dari puncak merapi. Hujan Abu pun mencapai kota solo dan yogyakarta, cukup lebat dan tebal sehingga sampai menutupi jarak pandang di kota tersebut. awu yg dibawa angin trsebut terjadi lantaran letusan gunung merapi yg lebih dahsyat dari yg pertama. Kota solo juga terkena imbasnya, padahal jaraknya dgn merapi sampai 60km. Terlihat hujan abu vulkanik menutupi jalan, ketebalan akibat debu itu pun cukup tebal bahkan sampai 4cm.

Aktivitas merapi memang mengalami fluktuasi yg tinggi sejak meletus pertama kali, Hari ini pun Letuan Merapi juga terjadi kembali, pada sekitar pukul 10 1 november 2010. tampaknya Hujan Abu di jogjakarta bakal terjadi kembali. Ngeri memang memantau aktivitas merapi, fenomena bencana alam yg satu ini sampai menyita perhatian internasional. persis seperti ketika dilansirnya Video Tsunami Mentawai. Berikut ini adalah gambaran hujan abu yg terjadi di daerah yogyakarta dan solo :

hujan abu
Meletusnya gnung mrapi ini pun terekam jelas kamera beberapa stasiun televisi swasta yg memang memantau terus kondisi terakhir didaerah tersebut. dan dibawah ini adalah Video Letusan Merapi Terbaru yg kami dapat dari vivanews beberapa saat lalu.

Semoga dgn adanya bncana ini, kita makin cinta terhadap alam dan seisinya. Anda yg tidak merasakan imbas dari letusan merapi, Hujan Abu, tsunami mentawai,banjir wasior dll tentunya sangat prihatin akan kondisi para korban. Marilah kita sisihkan sebagian rizky kita untuk membantu mereka melalui rekening2 pundi amal yg banyak digalang oleh PMI,tv swasta,Media,dll. Lihat No rekeningnya di link berikut : Lihat Disini. Tak lupa kami sampaikan rasa belasungkawa yg sedalam-dalamnya atas apa yg menimpa saudara-saudara kita, semoga uluran tangan kita bisa meringankan beban yg mereka alami. Amiiin.

Harga Samsung Galaxy Tab | Spesifikasi Fitur Galaxy Tab

Harga Samsung Galaxy Tab - Spesifikasi Samsung Galaxy Tab - Berita mengenai kemunculan gadget teranyar penuh Fitur Samsung Galaxy Tab cukup menyita perhatian publik. pasalnya pabrikan asal korea ini menawarkan produk canggih layaknya komputer mini berlayar sentuh 7inch nya dgn harga cukup murah dikelasnya. Nampaknya, Samsung Galaxy Tab ini bakal menantang produk pabrikan lain serupa yg lebih dulu populer yaitu Apple iPad. Tak ayal, animo masyarakat pun begitu besar. Baru-baru ini ratusan orang rela antre berjubelan hanya untuk mendapatkan piranti ini. hal ini lantaran samsung memberikan diskon 1 juta rupiah untuk produk ini, harga awal 6,9 jeti dijual cukup dgn 5,9 jt saja.

Tablet yg hadir dgn Spesifikasi dan fitur yg mumpuni nampaknya bakal menjadi tren bagi penikmat teknologi. Bagaimana tidak? coba saja baca berjibun Fitur Samsung Galaxy Tab yg tersemat didalamnya berikut ini :
  • Processor : Cortex A8, Speed 1Ghz
  • Memory : Ram 512 Mb Internal 16gb external up to 32 Gb, Grafis PoverVR SGX540
  • Display : Layar AMOLED 7 Inch dgn Dimensi 190,09 X 120,45 X 11,98mm 385 Gram (jauh lebih lebar dari Playstation Phone)
  • Os : Android 2.2 Froyo
  • Network : 3g HSDPA 7,2 Mbps/Edge/Gprs/wi-fi a/b/g/n, GPS
  • Battery : 4000mAh
  • Camera : 3,0 Mp Camera With Flash+AF, 1,3MP (VT)
  • Video : Full HD (1080p) Video Player , Video Recorder (720X480) @ 30Fps
  • Music : 3,44 jack ,Mp3,aac,ogg,wma,amr nb/wb,flac,wav,midi,ac3,rttl/rtx,ota.
Dengan Fitur dan Spesifikasi Samsung Galaxy Tab diatas nampaknya harga yg ditawarkan cukup murah untuk sebuah tablet. Bandingkan dgn Harga Blackberry Terbaru versi tablet yg jauh diatasnya. Penasaran dgn gadget yg satu ini ? intip saja gambar penampakannya berikut ini :
Menarik bukan? sangat berkelas dan terkesan premium, bagi yg ingin melihat video demo Samsung Galaxy Tab silahkan melihatnya di link berikut :Lihat Disini (jgn lupa tekan skipad dipojok kanan atas layar anda sesaat setelah mengklik link trsebut). Selamat berburu Samsung Galaxy Tab bro..

CPNS Kemenag | cpns.kemenag.go.id | Pengumuman CPNS

cpns kemenag - cpns.kemenag.go.id - Pengumuman CPNS Kementrian Agama 2010 sudah dilansir beberapa waktu lalu, di situs resminya http://cpns.kemenag.go.id, semua informasi mengenai pengumuman penerimaan dan tata cara mendaftar calon pegawai negeri sipil tersebut diinformasikan secara lengkap. Pendaftaran Online pun diberlakukan dalam perekrutan kali ini, dibuka pada 28 oktober hingga 3 november 2010. Posisi yg ditawarkan pun cukup banyak dan tentunya kesempatan diterima juga besar. Nah, beriut ini adlah alur pendaftaran yg kami dapatkan dari situs resminya.

Selain CPNS Kemenag yg telah diumumkan di cpns.kemenag.go.id, beberapa instansi pemerintah juga membuka pendaftaran, yg paling terbaru yaitu pengumuman dari pemprov jawa timur terkait penerimaan cpns jatim. Memang tahun ini peluang mendaftar calon pegawai negri sipil cukup banyak, dan kemudahan sistem online yg diberlakukan tentunya memberikan kemudahan bagi para calon pelamar. Walaupun memang terkesan alurnya sedikit ribet, namun ini merupakan strategi pemerintah untuk memberantas praktek pencaloan. Tak hanya pendaftaran, pmberitahuan hasil tes pun juga dilakukan secara online mirip dengan Pengumuman CPNS Jatim tahun lalu.

Segera saja gunakan peluang ini untuk bekerja di instansi pemerintahan khususnya Departemen Kementrian Agama, langsung saja mendaftra di www.cpns.kemenag.go.id . Format surat lamaran untuk yg ditujukan bisa anda download gratis melalui link berikut ini : Download Disini (jangan lupa menekan skipad yg ada dipojok kanan atas layar anda sesaat setelah mengklik link trsebut). Selamat berjuang dan semoga bisa sukses menjadi pegawai negri sipil.

Jadwal Liga Inggris Terbaru 2010-2011

Liga Inggris 2010-2011
Berikut Blog Info Sajikan Jadwal Liga Inggris 2010-2011

Agustus 2010
Sabtu, 14 Agustus 2010
15.00 Aston Villa vs West Ham United
15.00 Wolverhampton Wanderers vs Stoke City
15.00 Tottenham Hotspur vs Manchester City
15.00 Sunderland vs Birmingham City
15.00 Manchester United vs Newcastle United
15.00 Liverpool vs Arsenal
15.00 Chelsea vs West Bromwich Albion
15.00 Bolton Wanderers vs Fulham
15.00 Blackpool vs Wigan Athletic
15.00 Blackburn Rovers vs Everton

Sabtu, 21 Agustus 2010
15.00 Wigan Athletic vs Chelsea
15.00 West Ham United vs Bolton Wanderers
15.00 West Bromwich Albion vs Sunderland
15.00 Stoke City vs Tottenham Hotspur
15.00 Newcastle United vs Aston Villa
15.00 Manchester City vs Liverpool
15.00 Fulham vs Manchester United
15.00 Everton vs Wolverhampton Wanderers
15.00 Birmingham City vs Blackburn Rovers
15.00 Arsenal vs Blackpool

Sabtu, 28 Agustus 2010
15.00 Manchester United vs West Ham United
15.00 Sunderland vs Manchester City
15.00 Tottenham Hotspur vs Wigan Athletic
15.00 Wolverhampton Wanderers vs Newcastle United
15.00 Liverpool vs West Bromwich Albion
15.00 Chelsea vs Stoke City
15.00 Bolton Wanderers vs Birmingham City
15.00 Blackpool vs Fulham
15.00 Blackburn Rovers vs Arsenal
15.00 Aston Villa vs Everton

September 2010
Sabtu, 11 September 2010
15.00 Stoke City vs Aston Villa
15.00 West Bromwich Albion vs Tottenham Hotspur
15.00 West Ham United vs Chelsea
15.00 Wigan Athletic vs Sunderland
15.00 Newcastle United vs Blackpool
15.00 Manchester City vs Blackburn Rovers
15.00 Fulham vs Wolverhampton Wanderers
15.00 Everton vs Manchester United
15.00 Birmingham City vs Liverpool
15.00 Arsenal vs Bolton Wanderers

Sabtu, 18 September 2010
15.00 Sunderland vs Arsenal
15.00 Tottenham Hotspur vs Wolverhampton Wanderers
15.00 West Bromwich Albion vs Birmingham City
15.00 Wigan Athletic vs Manchester City
15.00 Stoke City vs West Ham United
15.00 Manchester United vs Liverpool
15.00 Everton vs Newcastle United
15.00 Chelsea vs Blackpool
15.00 Blackburn Rovers vs Fulham
15.00 Aston Villa vs Bolton Wanderers

Sabtu, 25 September 2010
15.00 Manchester City vs Chelsea
15.00 Newcastle United vs Stoke City
15.00 West Ham United vs Tottenham Hotspur
15.00 Wolverhampton Wanderers vs Aston Villa
15.00 Liverpool vs Sunderland
15.00 Fulham vs Everton
15.00 Bolton Wanderers vs Manchester United
15.00 Blackpool vs Blackburn Rovers
15.00 Birmingham City vs Wigan Athletic
15.00 Arsenal vs West Bromwich Albion

Oktober 2010
Sabtu, 2 Oktober 2010
15.00 Tottenham Hotspur vs Aston Villa
15.00 West Bromwich Albion vs Bolton Wanderers
15.00 West Ham United vs Fulham
15.00 Wigan Athletic vs Wolverhampton Wanderers
15.00 Sunderland vs Manchester United
15.00 Stoke City vs Blackburn Rovers
15.00 Manchester City vs Newcastle United
15.00 Liverpool vs Blackpool
15.00 Chelsea vs Arsenal
15.00 Birmingham City vs Everton

Sabtu, 16 Oktober 2010
15.00 Fulham vs Tottenham Hotspur
15.00 Manchester United vs West Bromwich Albion
15.00 Newcastle United vs Wigan Athletic
15.00 Wolverhampton Wanderers vs West Ham United
15.00 Everton vs Liverpool
15.00 Bolton Wanderers vs Stoke City
15.00 Blackpool vs Manchester City
15.00 Blackburn Rovers vs Sunderland
15.00 Aston Villa vs Chelsea
15.00 Arsenal vs Birmingham City

Sabtu, 23 Oktober 2010
15.00 Tottenham Hotspur vs Everton
15.00 West Bromwich Albion vs Fulham
15.00 West Ham United vs Newcastle United
15.00 Wigan Athletic vs Bolton Wanderers
15.00 Sunderland vs Aston Villa
15.00 Stoke City vs Manchester United
15.00 Manchester City vs Arsenal
15.00 Liverpool vs Blackburn Rovers
15.00 Chelsea vs Wolverhampton Wanderers
15.00 Birmingham City vs Blackpool

Sabtu, 30 Oktober 2010
15.00 Fulham vs Wigan Athletic
15.00 Manchester United vs Tottenham Hotspur
15.00 Newcastle United vs Sunderland
15.00 Wolverhampton Wanderers vs Manchester City
15.00 Everton vs Stoke City
15.00 Bolton Wanderers vs Liverpool
15.00 Blackpool vs West Bromwich Albion
15.00 Blackburn Rovers vs Chelsea
15.00 Aston Villa vs Birmingham City
15.00 Arsenal vs West Ham United

November 2010
Sabtu, 6 November 2010
15.00 Liverpool vs Chelsea
15.00 Manchester United vs Wolverhampton Wanderers
15.00 Sunderland vs Stoke City
15.00 West Bromwich Albion vs Manchester City
15.00 Fulham vs Aston Villa
15.00 Bolton Wanderers vs Tottenham Hotspur
15.00 Blackpool vs Everton
15.00 Blackburn Rovers vs Wigan Athletic
15.00 Birmingham City vs West Ham United
15.00 Arsenal vs Newcastle United

Sabtu, 9 November 2010
19.45 Wolverhampton Wanderers vs Arsenal
19.45 Wigan Athletic vs Liverpool
19.45 West Ham United vs West Bromwich Albion
19.45 Tottenham Hotspur vs Sunderland
19.45 Stoke City vs Birmingham City

Rabu, 10 November 2010
19.45 Newcastle United vs Blackburn Rovers
19.45 Manchester City vs Manchester United
19.45 Everton vs Bolton Wanderers
19.45 Chelsea vs Fulham
19.45 Aston Villa vs Blackpool

Sabtu, 13 November 2010
15.00 Wolverhampton Wanderers vs Bolton Wanderers
15.00 Wigan Athletic vs West Bromwich Albion
15.00 West Ham United vs Blackpool
15.00 Tottenham Hotspur vs Blackburn Rovers
15.00 Stoke City vs Liverpool
15.00 Newcastle United vs Fulham
15.00 Manchester City vs Birmingham City
15.00 Everton vs Arsenal
15.00 Chelsea vs Sunderland
15.00 Aston Villa vs Manchester United

Sabtu, 20 November 2010
15.00 Liverpool vs West Ham United
15.00 Manchester United vs Wigan Athletic
15.00 Sunderland vs Everton
15.00 West Bromwich Albion vs Stoke City
15.00 Fulham vs Manchester City
15.00 Bolton Wanderers vs Newcastle United
15.00 Blackpool vs Wolverhampton Wanderers
15.00 Blackburn Rovers vs Aston Villa
15.00 Birmingham City vs Chelsea
15.00 Arsenal vs Tottenham Hotspur

Sabtu, 27 November 2010
15.00 Stoke City vs Manchester City
15.00 Tottenham Hotspur vs Liverpool
15.00 West Ham United vs Wigan Athletic
15.00 Wolverhampton Wanderers vs Sunderland
15.00 Newcastle United vs Chelsea
15.00 Manchester United vs Blackburn Rovers
15.00 Fulham vs Birmingham City
15.00 Everton vs West Bromwich Albion
15.00 Bolton Wanderers vs Blackpool
15.00 Aston Villa vs Arsenal

Desember 2010
Sabtu, 4 Desember 2010
15.00 Manchester City vs Bolton Wanderers
15.00 Sunderland vs West Ham United
15.00 West Bromwich Albion vs Newcastle United
15.00 Wigan Athletic vs Stoke City
15.00 Liverpool vs Aston Villa
15.00 Chelsea vs Everton
15.00 Blackpool vs Manchester United
15.00 Blackburn Rovers vs Wolverhampton Wanderers
15.00 Birmingham City vs Tottenham Hotspur
15.00 Arsenal vs Fulham

Sabtu, 11 Desember 2010
15.00 Stoke City vs Blackpool
15.00 Tottenham Hotspur vs Chelsea
15.00 West Ham United vs Manchester City
15.00 Wolverhampton Wanderers vs Birmingham City
15.00 Newcastle United vs Liverpool
15.00 Manchester United vs Arsenal
15.00 Fulham vs Sunderland
15.00 Everton vs Wigan Athletic
15.00 Bolton Wanderers vs Blackburn Rovers
15.00 Aston Villa vs West Bromwich Albion

Sabtu, 18 Desember 2010
15.00 Manchester City vs Everton
15.00 Sunderland vs Bolton Wanderers
15.00 West Bromwich Albion vs Wolverhampton Wanderers
15.00 Wigan Athletic vs Aston Villa
15.00 Liverpool vs Fulham
15.00 Chelsea vs Manchester United
15.00 Blackpool vs Tottenham Hotspur
15.00 Blackburn Rovers vs West Ham United
15.00 Birmingham City vs Newcastle United
15.00 Arsenal vs Stoke City

Minggu, 26 Desember 2010
15.00 Fulham vs West Ham United
15.00 Manchester United vs Sunderland
15.00 Newcastle United vs Manchester City
15.00 Wolverhampton Wanderers vs Wigan Athletic
15.00 Everton vs Birmingham City
15.00 Bolton Wanderers vs West Bromwich Albion
15.00 Blackpool vs Liverpool
15.00 Blackburn Rovers vs Stoke City
15.00 Aston Villa vs Tottenham Hotspur
15.00 Arsenal vs Chelsea

Selasa, 28 Desember 2010
15.00 Tottenham Hotspur vs Newcastle United
15.00 West Bromwich Albion vs Blackburn Rovers
15.00 West Ham United vs Everton
15.00 Wigan Athletic vs Arsenal
15.00 Sunderland vs Blackpool
15.00 Stoke City vs Fulham
15.00 Manchester City vs Aston Villa
15.00 Liverpool vs Wolverhampton Wanderers
15.00 Chelsea vs Bolton Wanderers
15.00 Birmingham City vs Manchester United

Januari 2011
Sabtu, 1 Januari 2011
15.00 Tottenham Hotspur vs Fulham
15.00 West Bromwich Albion vs Manchester United
15.00 West Ham United vs Wolverhampton Wanderers
15.00 Wigan Athletic vs Newcastle United
15.00 Sunderland vs Blackburn Rovers
15.00 Stoke City vs Everton
15.00 Manchester City vs Blackpool
15.00 Liverpool vs Bolton Wanderers
15.00 Chelsea vs Aston Villa
15.00 Birmingham City vs Arsenal

Selasa, 4 Januari 2011
19.45 Wolverhampton Wanderers vs Chelsea
19.45 Manchester United vs Stoke City
19.45 Bolton Wanderers vs Wigan Athletic
19.45 Blackpool vs Birmingham City
19.45 Arsenal vs Manchester City

Rabu, 5 Januari 2011
19.45 Newcastle United vs West Ham United
19.45 Fulham vs West Bromwich Albion
19.45 Everton vs Tottenham Hotspur
19.45 Blackburn Rovers vs Liverpool
19.45 Aston Villa vs Sunderland

Sabtu, 15 Januari 2011
15.00 Wigan Athletic vs Fulham
15.00 West Ham United vs Arsenal
15.00 West Bromwich Albion vs Blackpool
15.00 Tottenham Hotspur vs Manchester United
15.00 Sunderland vs Newcastle United
15.00 Stoke City vs Bolton Wanderers
15.00 Manchester City vs Wolverhampton Wanderers
15.00 Liverpool vs Everton
15.00 Chelsea vs Blackburn Rovers
15.00 Birmingham City vs Aston Villa

Sabtu, 22 Januari 2011
15.00 Fulham vs Stoke City
15.00 Manchester United vs Birmingham City
15.00 Newcastle United vs Tottenham Hotspur
15.00 Wolverhampton Wanderers vs Liverpool
15.00 Everton vs West Ham United
15.00 Bolton Wanderers vs Chelsea
15.00 Blackpool vs Sunderland
15.00 Blackburn Rovers vs West Bromwich Albion
15.00 Aston Villa vs Manchester City
15.00 Arsenal vs Wigan Athletic

Februari 2011
Selasa, 1 Februari 2011
19.45 West Bromwich Albion vs Wigan Athletic
19.45 Sunderland vs Chelsea
19.45 Manchester United vs Aston Villa
19.45 Bolton Wanderers vs Wolverhampton Wanderers
19.45 Blackpool vs West Ham United
19.45 Birmingham City vs Manchester City
19.45 Arsenal vs Everton

Rabu, 2 Februari 2011
19.45 Liverpool vs Stoke City
19.45 Fulham vs Newcastle United
19.45 Blackburn Rovers vs Tottenham Hotspur

Sabtu, 5 Februari 2011
15.00 Wolverhampton Wanderers vs Manchester United
15.00 Wigan Athletic vs Blackburn Rovers
15.00 West Ham United vs Birmingham City
15.00 Tottenham Hotspur vs Bolton Wanderers
15.00 Stoke City vs Sunderland
15.00 Newcastle United vs Arsenal
15.00 Manchester City vs West Bromwich Albion
15.00 Everton vs Blackpool
15.00 Chelsea vs Liverpool
15.00 Aston Villa vs Fulham

Sabtu, 12 Februari 2011
15.00 Liverpool vs Wigan Athletic
15.00 Manchester United vs Manchester City
15.00 Sunderland vs Tottenham Hotspur
15.00 West Bromwich Albion vs West Ham United
15.00 Fulham vs Chelsea
15.00 Bolton Wanderers vs Everton
15.00 Blackpool vs Aston Villa
15.00 Blackburn Rovers vs Newcastle United
15.00 Birmingham City vs Stoke City
15.00 Arsenal vs Wolverhampton Wanderers

Sabtu, 26 Februari 2011
15.00 Tottenham Hotspur vs Arsenal
15.00 West Ham United vs Liverpool
15.00 Wigan Athletic vs Manchester United
15.00 Wolverhampton Wanderers vs Blackpool
15.00 Stoke City vs West Bromwich Albion
15.00 Newcastle United vs Bolton Wanderers
15.00 Manchester City vs Fulham
15.00 Everton vs Sunderland
15.00 Chelsea vs Birmingham City
15.00 Aston Villa vs Blackburn Rovers

Maret 2011
Sabtu, 5 Maret 2011
15.00 Manchester City vs Wigan Athletic
15.00 Newcastle United vs Everton
15.00 West Ham United vs Stoke City
15.00 Wolverhampton Wanderers vs Tottenham Hotspur
15.00 Liverpool vs Manchester United
15.00 Fulham vs Blackburn Rovers
15.00 Bolton Wanderers vs Aston Villa
15.00 Blackpool vs Chelsea
15.00 Birmingham City vs West Bromwich Albion
15.00 Arsenal vs Sunderland

Sabtu, 19 Maret 2011
15.00 Sunderland vs Liverpool
15.00 Tottenham Hotspur vs West Ham United
15.00 West Bromwich Albion vs Arsenal
15.00 Wigan Athletic vs Birmingham City
15.00 Stoke City vs Newcastle United
15.00 Manchester United vs Bolton Wanderers
15.00 Everton vs Fulham
15.00 Chelsea vs Manchester City
15.00 Blackburn Rovers vs Blackpool
15.00 Aston Villa vs Wolverhampton Wanderers

April 2011
Sabtu, 2 April 2011
15.00 Stoke City vs Chelsea
15.00 West Bromwich Albion vs Liverpool
15.00 West Ham United vs Manchester United
15.00 Wigan Athletic vs Tottenham Hotspur
15.00 Newcastle United vs Wolverhampton Wanderers
15.00 Manchester City vs Sunderland
15.00 Fulham vs Blackpool
15.00 Everton vs Aston Villa
15.00 Birmingham City vs Bolton Wanderers
15.00 Arsenal vs Blackburn Rovers

Sabtu, 9 April 2011
15.00 Manchester United vs Fulham
15.00 Sunderland vs West Bromwich Albion
15.00 Tottenham Hotspur vs Stoke City
15.00 Wolverhampton Wanderers vs Everton
15.00 Liverpool vs Manchester City
15.00 Chelsea vs Wigan Athletic
15.00 Bolton Wanderers vs West Ham United
15.00 Blackpool vs Arsenal
15.00 Blackburn Rovers vs Birmingham City
15.00 Aston Villa vs Newcastle United

Sabtu, 16 April 2011
15.00 Stoke City vs Wolverhampton Wanderers
15.00 West Bromwich Albion vs Chelsea
15.00 West Ham United vs Aston Villa
15.00 Wigan Athletic vs Blackpool
15.00 Newcastle United vs Manchester United
15.00 Manchester City vs Tottenham Hotspur
15.00 Fulham vs Bolton Wanderers
15.00 Everton vs Blackburn Rovers
15.00 Birmingham City vs Sunderland
15.00 Arsenal vs Liverpool

Sabtu, 23 April 2011
15.00 Manchester United vs Everton
15.00 Sunderland vs Wigan Athletic
15.00 Tottenham Hotspur vs West Bromwich Albion
15.00 Wolverhampton Wanderers vs Fulham
15.00 Liverpool vs Birmingham City
15.00 Chelsea vs West Ham United
15.00 Bolton Wanderers vs Arsenal
15.00 Blackpool vs Newcastle United
15.00 Blackburn Rovers vs Manchester City
15.00 Aston Villa vs Stoke City

Sabtu, 30 April 2011
15.00 Manchester City vs West Ham United
15.00 Sunderland vs Fulham
15.00 West Bromwich Albion vs Aston Villa
15.00 Wigan Athletic vs Everton
15.00 Liverpool vs Newcastle United
15.00 Chelsea vs Tottenham Hotspur
15.00 Blackpool vs Stoke City
15.00 Blackburn Rovers vs Bolton Wanderers
15.00 Birmingham City vs Wolverhampton Wanderers
15.00 Arsenal vs Manchester United

Mei 2011
Sabtu, 7 Mei 2011
15.00 Stoke City vs Arsenal
15.00 Tottenham Hotspur vs Blackpool
15.00 West Ham United vs Blackburn Rovers
15.00 Wolverhampton Wanderers vs West Bromwich Albion
15.00 Newcastle United vs Birmingham City
15.00 Manchester United vs Chelsea
15.00 Fulham vs Liverpool
15.00 Everton vs Manchester City
15.00 Bolton Wanderers vs Sunderland
15.00 Aston Villa vs Wigan Athletic

Sabtu, 14 Mei 2011
15.00 Manchester City vs Stoke City
15.00 Sunderland vs Wolverhampton Wanderers
15.00 West Bromwich Albion vs Everton
15.00 Wigan Athletic vs West Ham United
15.00 Liverpool vs Tottenham Hotspur
15.00 Chelsea vs Newcastle United
15.00 Blackpool vs Bolton Wanderers
15.00 Blackburn Rovers vs Manchester United
15.00 Birmingham City vs Fulham
15.00 Arsenal vs Aston Villa

Sabtu, 22 Mei 2011
15.00 West Ham United vs Sunderland
15.00 Tottenham Hotspur vs Birmingham City
15.00 Stoke City vs Wigan Athletic
15.00 Newcastle United vs West Bromwich Albion
15.00 Manchester United vs Blackpool
15.00 Fulham vs Arsenal
15.00 Everton vs Chelsea
15.00 Bolton Wanderers vs Manchester City
15.00 Aston Villa vs Liverpool
15.00 Wolverhampton Wanderers vs Blackburn Rovers

Diatas adalah jadwal liga inggris 2010-2011. Tetap saksikan jagoanmu berlaga sobat.

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Halloween Vs. Day of Dead

Spooky holiday deathmatch!
And the uncontested winner still is the Mexican Day of the Dead! Both holidays, I assume, arise from the same Christian holiday of All Hallows Eve, or DĂ­a de Todos los Santos, in Spanish. I'm a Jew, so don't think for a second that I am about to give you the historical context for this asseveration. I'm talking out of my ass. But I can still tell you why Day of Dead kicks Halloween's ass. If this starts the next Mexican-American war, so be it.

Basically, there is a very simple reason: Day of the Dead, which I assume, also out of my ass, has been going on in this continent longer than Halloween, has not yet reached a stage of commercial apotheosis in which its original meaning is totally lost under the maniacal ringing of the cash register. Yes, you can buy pan de muerto, Day of the Day bread, or sugar or chocolate skulls with your name or that of your loved ones inscribed on them, but most of the money spent on Day of the Dead celebrations goes towards buying bunches of cempazĂşchitl, the orange flower that decorates the altars to your beloved dead, and the stuff that goes in said altars, which is the stuff the dead used to love when they were alive (mostly involving tequila, mezcal, cigarettes, Japanese Mexican peanuts and other sundry pleasures and vices). No need to be gouged on a green itchy wig and a cheap Tinkerbell costume at Ricky's.

Moreover, the Mexican Day of the Dead tradition is a fascinating combo of the indigenous cult of the dead of the Precolumbian cultures with the Christian tradition that was shoved down their throats later on. Whereas Halloween has long ago lost its connection to its original intent, whatever that was, Day of the Dead insists on getting emotionally and spiritually close to the actual dead, not just look like them.  Besides, in Mexico, people are natural artists. They make things with flowers and paper and cardboard, not just plastic made in Taiwan.

Unfortunately, Halloween has made enormous inroads all over Mexico. I spent Day of the Dead in Oaxaca several years ago and kids were dressed as mummies or ghouls and trick or treating for cash, as opposed to candy, which comes in handy when you actually have issues getting enough food to eat. But the beautiful, deeply personal, deeply heartfelt tradition of Day of the Dead prevails.

That's my hero, Benito Juarez in the left bottom corner.
Yes, there were some obnoxious rich Mexican juniors after midnight in the cemetery who hired a band of Mariachis and were disturbing everyone with their drunken hollering (and, of course, if the humble people honoring their dead were as annoyed as I was, they did not show it). But to walk into a cemetery late at night and see the graves lit by candles surrounded by these gorgeous flowers, and see the families sitting at the graves, bringing their dead their atole (sweet corn porridge), and communing with them, that certainly beats the hordes of drunken idiots tottering about the Village in New York City. I'm no party pooper. I used to hate Halloween when I was a child, but I like it in New York because the grown ups get dressed up. I think it's lots of fun. But it has become pointless. And isn't it richer when celebrations actually have a point?

Halloween masks in Oaxaca
"I'm just sitting here watching the wheels go round and round..."
Grave at the cemetery.  
The entrance to Oaxaca's cemetery at night   
American plastic ghosts decorate a grave with Mexican panache

"You are dust and to dust you shall return"  

A humble cemetery during the day.  

Sabtu, 30 Oktober 2010

A Free Man of Color

Have you ever really wanted to like a play even though you could tell it sucks from the first two minutes? Have you ever pondered why sometimes the conjunction of a bunch of very talented people spells disaster? If you haven't and you'd like to know how it feels like, by all means check out this terrible play by John Guare, directed even more awfully by George C. Wolfe. It reminded me of the school plays we used to stage about the life of Benito Juarez when I was in second grade. A bunch of people standing on a stage declaiming at the audience for an interminable almost three hours. A didactic, expository, undramatic account of what could have been an interesting character living in interesting times. The play is almost like a pantomime, and with less frantic direction perhaps it could have been salvaged into a wanly witty but funnier, more moving play. But Wolfe has instructed all his actors to scream and ham it up and desperately reach to be funny. If you try too hard to be funny, you are anything but. They are so terrible, my throat was aching from all their screaming. It is painful to watch Jeffrey Wright make a caricature of a character who could have been charming and poignant. The only person who behaves with any dignity is Mos, formerly known as Mos Def. He is the only one who refuses to overact. The garish sets are by Interior decorator David Rockwell, the magnificent costumes (I predict Tony) are by Anne Hough and the lavish production seems to knowingly overcompensate for a static play that were it not for its trite sexual humor, would be great to stage at elementary schools all over the country. The idea is worthy: at the beginning of the 19th century in New Orleans, there was less segregation than later on. Discuss.
Since this play is about race, I will say that I never understood if the generalized stereotyping and caricature (black men have huge dicks and are great lovers, people who speak Spanish lisp and talk ridiculously, the French are fops) are meant to be ironic. If that was the intention, it was lost on me. I will go further. If I were black, this play would piss me off. Why do we need a history lesson? Why can't we have a black character, fully fleshed out, through which we can experience his experience as a free man of color? The same happened to me with Fela! Why the school pageant? Why so much exposition? Don't these extraordinary characters deserve a real drama?
I'm afraid A Free Man Of Color is the result of noble but artistically useless intentions. We should see more plays about race. Unfortunately, this one feels like we are witnessing the playwright's research. He did his historical homework, and he turned it into vaudeville.
George C. Wolfe spills a barrel of tricks on the stage to try to disguise the fact that the play is like reading about the Louisiana Purchase in wikipedia, but a lot less fun. However, there is not one coup de theatre, not one heart stopping moment in the entire evening, despite the steady parade of prancing and scenery changes. I remember seeing his original Angels in America in the early nineties. Then it seemed like a visually bracing production (of a much better play). Here we are almost 20 years later, and he's kind of doing the same old shtick.
I saw La Bete this week too, and it's not a great play but the set makes you gasp and there is a beautiful moment when the princess makes her entrance that is a simple effect of light and gold dust, but it works wonders. La Bete at least is very funny, although rambling, and the actors, Mark Rylance, David Hyde Pierce and Joanna Lumley (the magnificent Patsy from Absolutely Fabulous) know how to use their instruments. They perform in iambic pentameter with nimble and delightful musicality. Sitting through A Free Man of Color is like listening to someone scratching a blackboard with their fingernails: an aggressive assault on the ears.
This drives me crazy about many American actors. Whatever happened to voice training? Why do they sound like a screeching brake?
If this play doesn't bomb, I'll be very surprised. The applause was tired and polite. The couple next to us sensibly absconded during intermission. I considered it but wanted to see if it improved. It actually gets worse.
I'm almost looking forward to reading the reviews and see if the critics will have the balls, despite the subject matter and the sacred cows, to call out the groaner that it is. BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Quilt Market Update 4

9 A.M. this morning, Saturday
The lines are forming.
Quilt Market opens at 9:30.

I have an exhibitor's badge so I get to go in early.

It's like Christmas before the children wake up.
Everything is ready.

Lissa at Moda/United Notions has time to write a note.

Moctar Yara, an African importer for Yara African Fabrics, is ready for his first order of the day.

Lynn and Robert at Kansas Troubles are going over the schedule.

Wait a minute. Santa's not ready at Blackbird Designs.
Barb and Alma are just a blur of activity.

It's worth it. Their booth is always fabulous.

More later.

Quilt Market Update 3

The aluminum rods!
I mentioned that every booth gets 3 aluminum cross bars. Each also gets 4 aluminum uprights,
UNSIGHTLY aluminum uprights. 
One can hang a drape in front of them---see the right hand booth.
Many of us put scrunchies on them---like hair scrunchies---on the left.

These are fabric tubes made out of the latest stuff. Here American Jane has classic American gingham for her scrunchies to coordinate with her prints in primary colors.

Some people make new scrunchies every market. They are useful after market as you will have a 3-months supply of quilt sleeves for hanging.

Jan Patek has a variety of short scrunchies in red and black tied with a nice stripe anchored to the neighbor's pole. This looks cute but the stripe's real purpose is in preventing her whole booth from falling over. We've been known to hang too many quilts from the taller aluminum cross bars.

You make your scrunchies out of what you are selling.


Sweetwater used a net-like scrim to wrap their poles.

It adds a romantic look to their booth.
And they can re-use it at spring market.

Quilt Market Update 2

The first day of market, while all the exhibitors are unpacking their crates, the quilt shop owners go to a series of presentations on new products. These 15 or 30 minute talks are called Schoolhouses. One of my favorites was the Windham Fabrics session called The Quilters of Gees Bend. 

Windham invited Loretta Bennett and Louisiana Bendolph
from Gees Bend to talk about their own and their family quilts
on which several new kits are based.

It was the last presentation in a long day but the audience was energized.
We enjoyed hearing the story of  the quilts' transition from utility bedcovers to museum art.

Here's Megan Scott of C&T Publishing introducing
Gail Garber to talk about her new book.

Like a good deal of Market, there's a stage and a back stage. 

During the Schoolhouse sessions you may have 15 minutes to present and then a 10 minute break between sessions. While one group is presenting information...

there's another group out in the hall ready
to run in on that 10 minute break and put up an instant display.

And when your 15 minutes are up you
 tote your stuff back to your booth and hang it up.
It's all hectic but fun...
and the retailers love to hear what's new in the words of the author, designer or inventor.

Quilt Market Update 1

The heart of the quilt world this week is Houston at Quilt Market.
Here are pictures from the first day, Friday October 29th.

Quilt shop retailers come from all over the world
to see what's new and buy for the fall and winter seasons.

It's a trade show and a quilt show.

Exhibitors rent booths to display their wares.
When the thread company, pattern designer, ruler wholesaler, etc. arrives on Thursday afternoon or Friday they find each assigned booth ready. The booth contains a white plastic covered table, three horizontal poles to divide them from their neighbors and white nylon drapes. At many trade shows this is the standard for display.
But not for a quilt trade show.

Exhibitors transform their booths into quilt wonderlands.
The big companies ship a lot of stuff. They might rent 20 neighboring booths.
The small companies ship a lot of stuff for their one or two booths.

Penny at Electric Quilt

Silver and crystal for Blackbird Designs

Quiltmania Magazine
And everybody spends Friday transforming their booth.
Returning the white nylon curtains...

Doodle Press

Leaving the table in the aisle so the guys with forklifts can come by and pick it up

Joe and Mary Koval
And arranging stacks of stuff from button cards to antique quilts.

AQS Publishing
By the late afternoon MOST booths are ready for the Saturday morning rush of customers.

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