...as Tony Soprano would have it.
A great little piece on life after squealing against the Mob. It's very sad, but you reap what you sow.
Jumat, 30 April 2010
Pengumuman Penerimaan STAN 2010 - www.stan.ac.id
Pengumuman Penerimaan STAN 2010(Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Akuntansi Negara) sudah resmi diumumkan dan diberitahukan melalui website www.stan.ac.id , www.depkeu.go.id dan bppk.depkeu.go.id. Pengumuman STAN 2010 mengenai Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru Tahun Akademik 2010/2011 Ini memberikan kesempatan pada putra putri WNI untuk bisa menuntut ilmu di STAN, dan nantinya berpeluang besar menjadi CPNS di DEPKEU, BPPK, dan Perpajakan. Adapun Pengumuman Pendaftaran STAN 2010 adalah sebagai berikut :
Nomor: PENG-152/SJ/2010
Nomor: PENG-152/SJ/2010
Kementerian Keuangan Republik Indonesia akan menerima putra dan putri Warga Negara
Indonesia untuk mengikuti pendidikan di STAN (Sekolah Tinggi Akuntansi Negara) dengan
spesialisasi sebagai berikut:
Indonesia untuk mengikuti pendidikan di STAN (Sekolah Tinggi Akuntansi Negara) dengan
spesialisasi sebagai berikut:
- DI Keuangan Kepabeanan dan Cukai
- DIII Keuangan Spesialisasi Kepabeanan dan Cukai
- DIII Keuangan Anggaran/Kebendaharaan Negara
- DIII Keuangan Pajak
- DIII Keuangan Pengurusan Piutang dan Lelang Negara
- DIII Keuangan Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan
- DIII Keuangan Akuntansi
Adapun Pengumuman STAN 2010 diatas adalah resmi dari kementrian keuangan, Pendaftaran STAN sendiri akan dibuka pada tanggal 10 Mei 2010 s/d tanggal 4 Juni 2010 pada jam kerja pukul 09.00 - 15.00 waktu setempat. Sedangkan penyetoran biaya USM pendaftaran STAN sudah bisa dimulai pada 28 April 2010 s.d 4 Juni 2010, disetorkan ke rekening Bendahara Administrasi Keuangan BLU STAN dengan No. Rekening 123-00-0554888-5 Bank Mandiri Kantor Cabang jakarta Bintaro Jaya. Menurut Pengumuman STAN 2010, Ujian Saringan Masuk atau USM STAN sendiri akan dilaksanakan pada Minggu, 20 Juni 2010 secara serentak diseluruh lokasi ujian. Tentunya hal ini tidak akan bentrok dengan ujian SNMPTN yg mmenurut situs resmi www.snmptn.ac.id akan dilaksanakan pada 16-17 Juni 2010.
Untuk Informasi lebih lengkap mengenai Pengumuman STAN 2010 , saya memberikan download informasi lengkapnya dan juga Formulir Pendaftarannya di link yang tersedia di bawah ini, agar tidak bingung dalam mendownload Pengumuman STAN 2010 jangan lupa baca panduan downloadnya terlebih dahulu berikut ini :
Sebelum anda mendownloadnya, saya informasikan dulu. Saat anda meng-klik link downloadnya anda akan dibawa ke halaman adf.ly, tunggu beberapa detik hingga muncul tulisan SKIP ADD di pojok kanan atas layar anda. Lalu klik tombol SKIP ADD tersebut dan anda bisa langsung menuju linknya.
Informasi Pengumuman Lengkap STAN DOWNLOAD DISINI
Download Formulir Pendaftaran STAN KLIK DISINI
Referensi SOal Ujian : DOWNLOAD SOAL UJIAN SNMPTN 2010
Download Formulir Pendaftaran STAN KLIK DISINI
Referensi SOal Ujian : DOWNLOAD SOAL UJIAN SNMPTN 2010
Kamis, 29 April 2010
Department of Unappetizing Restaurants
This thing has just opened a block away.
Otarian. Reminds me of Alan Arkin (Yossarian, Catch-22?)
It sounds like a plastic surgery clinic but it's actually a restaurant that prides itself not on the yumminess of its food but on low carbon emissions.
Everything about it seems thoroughly clinical and unappetizing. The logo looks Orwellian. The premises look like a dental office for children. Who are they kidding?
You know what is my recipe for the lowest carbon emissions of any restaurant ever?
No restaurant at all!
Those tacos look lethal.
This makes me think of fluoride.
Otarian. Reminds me of Alan Arkin (Yossarian, Catch-22?)
It sounds like a plastic surgery clinic but it's actually a restaurant that prides itself not on the yumminess of its food but on low carbon emissions.
Everything about it seems thoroughly clinical and unappetizing. The logo looks Orwellian. The premises look like a dental office for children. Who are they kidding?
You know what is my recipe for the lowest carbon emissions of any restaurant ever?
No restaurant at all!
Those tacos look lethal.
This makes me think of fluoride.
Janet Bolton
In surfing through some blogs the other day I came across this post at Needleprint blog announcing a Janet Bolton workshop at the Quilt Museum in York, England on June 11th. Too bad! It's sold out.
Janet Bolton is an English textile artist who has a direct style of applique,
a unique balance of sentiment and minimalism.
She's written and illustrated several books, some of which are hard to find, but there seems to be a re-issue of her Patchwork Folk Art book.
More on Janet Bolton. You'll enjoy looking at the pictures.
Selasa, 27 April 2010
My Spring Fabric
I don't have a spring line of fabric.
This is because the spring line I've been working on looked so autumn-like that we at Moda decided it should come out in July or August, when it will be my fall line of fabric.
This is because the spring line I've been working on looked so autumn-like that we at Moda decided it should come out in July or August, when it will be my fall line of fabric.
It's called Arnold's Attic
It has prints and wovens in blues, greens, oranges and browns.
(Dachshund for scale)
Roseanne Smith is making a Mariner's Compass out of the preview yardage
She's been working on color decisions.
We are crazy about the large leaf print.
Here's her final decision on color.
It's called Arnold's Attic because all the document prints (the originals) were gifts from my friend Arnold Savage. He has quite a stash of antique fabrics. These are all from the late 19th-century.
More about Arnold and more about Arnold's Attic later.
Senin, 26 April 2010
Obat Perangsang Gairah Seks Wanita - Obat Perangsang Wanita
Obat Perangsang Gairah Seks Wanita - Obat Perangsang Wanita saat ini banyak beredar dipasaran, Apalagi gunanya kalau bukan sebagai Obat Perangsang Gairah Seks. Obat ini dikhusukan sebagai Obat Perangsang Wanita. Di jaman modern seperti saat ini, apalagi hidup dikota dengan rutinitas super sibuk tentunya akan sedikit mengganggu kehidupan seksual anda. Belum lagi jika istri anda termasuk wanita yg aktif dalam kegiatan ataupun wanita karir. Mungkin anda pernah mengalami suatu masa dimana anda ingin sekali bercinta, namun istri anda menolak karena sedang capek dan tidak bergairah. Ada banyak cara memang untuk bisa menyiasati ini, salah satunya yaitu dengan Obat Perangsang Gairah Seks Wanita, khasiat obat ini sendiri adalah untuk Meningkatkan Vitalitas Seksual wanita, lebih bagus lagi jika anda mengkombinasikannnya dengan teknik Video Kamasutra.
Ada banyak sekali macam Obat Perangsang Wanita, ada yg berbentuk Pil, Tablet, Jamu, Cairan bahkan ada yg berbentuk permen karet. Obat Perangsang Nafsu Seks Wanita ini memang kebanyakan adalah obat yg didatangkan dari China dan negara asia lainnya. Obat Perangsang Wanita sendiri saat ini memang banyak diperdagangkan dan sangat mudah kita temui di Kota-kota. Biasanya Obat Perangsang Gairah Wanita ini dijual bebas di toko-toko Sex Toys atau Toko Obat Cina juga di FB dan forum di internet. Bahkan di dalam Film Cowboys In Paradise yg disalah satu scene nya mengambil take di depan Toko yg berjualan Obat Perangsang Nafsu Seks ini. Tidak sulit mencari obat ini, di salah satu iklan situs youporn pun yg notabene situs Film Blue juga ada. Namun anda perlu mengkonsultasikannya dahulu dengan Ahli Seksologi sebelum mengkonsumsinya, karena memang tidak semua Obat Perangsang Gairah Seks Wanita adalah obat yg aman.
Obat Perangsang Wanita sendiri contohnya adalah: viagra, sustanon, cialis, potenzol cair, sari rapet, tongkat madura, jamu empot empot, Spanish Splay Gum (Permen Karet), dll. Bagi anda yg ingin mendapatkan informasi lebih lanjut tentang pemesanan Obat Perangsang Wanita silahkan menuju link dibawah ini:
Sebelum anda masuk ke linknya, saya informasikan dulu. Saat anda meng-klik linknya anda akan dibawa ke halaman adf.ly, tunggu beberapa detik hingga muncul tulisan SKIP ADD di pojok kanan atas layar. Lalu klik tombol SKIP ADD tersebut dan anda bisa langsung menuju linknya.
Informasi Lengkap Penjual Obat Perangsang Wanita LIHAT DISINI
Info & Macam Produk Obat Perangsang Wanita LIHAT DISINI
Info & Macam Produk Obat Perangsang Wanita LIHAT DISINI
Film Cowboys In Paradise - Film Dokumenter Gigolo Bali
Film Cowboys In Paradise - Film Dokumenter Gigolo Bali itulah judul film yg saat ini menghebohkan dunia Film Panas Indonesia. Film Cowboys In Paradise mengisahkan tentang fenomena Gigolo Bali yg mengais rejeki di Kuta dengan memberikan Layanan Seks pada turis asing di Bali. Film Cowboys In Paradise ini adalah sebuah film dokumenter Gigolo Bali yg akhir-akhir ini mendapatkan protes keras dari warga Bali lantaran dianggap menjatuhkan citra bali sebagai Tempat Wisata Seks di Indonesia. Film Cowboys In Paradise sendiri sebenarnya sudah muncul di Youtube sejak 2009, namun entah apa yg membuat Film Cowboys In Paradise ini menjadi kontroversi akhir-akhir ini. Dalam cuplikan video Film Cowboys In Paradise yg berdurasi sekitar 2.33 itu menggambarkan bagaimana para Gigolo Bali merayu para turis dan akhirnya mengajaknya berhubungan seks, tentunya tidak gratis dan merekapun mendapatkan dollar untuk itu.
Film Cowboys In Paradise sendiri disutradarai oleh Amit Virmani asal India, dan merupakan Film Independent, jadi jgn harap akan ada Artis Bugil Indonesia seperti Cynthiara Alona. Dalam Film Cowboys In Paradise itu menggabungkan lembaran-lembaran cerita perdagangan seks pria-pria Bali atau disebut Gigolo Bali. Di situs resminya, dituliskan : "Mengapa pria-pria muda itu meminta bayaran untuk melakukan seks? Bagaimana pula si wanita rela untuk membayar? Bagaimana manajemen waktu si pria? Dan yang paling penting, bagaimana keluarga atau istri si pria penjaja seks itu?" Dalam Film Cowboys In Paradise juga dipaparkan pengakuan istri dari sang " Gigolo Bali " yg menyatakan tidak keberatan suaminya membawa pulang "tamu" dan tidak masalah jika tidak tidur dengan dirinya. Film Cowboys In Paradise juga diikutkan di ajang DMZ Korean International Documentary Festival dan akan segera tayang di Eropa dan Amerika. Inilah sebuah fenomena unik dibalik Pesona Wisata Bali yg eksotis itu, dan ditengarai para tokoh masyarakat bali sangat marah akan Film Cowboys In Paradise lantaran dalam Film Gigolo Bali itu menyebutkan bahwa Kuta merupakan Surga Wisata Seks bagi ribuan turis wanita yg datang kesana, menurut mereka ini tidak ubahnya seperti Film Blue saja yang pasti didalamnya terdapat adegan ala Video Kamasutra.
Kita ikuti saja perkembangan dari Film Cowboys In Paradise, akankah Film Gigolo Bali ini juga akan memadati Jadwal Bioskop di Tanah air? atau akan tayang bersamaan dengan tayangnya film Iron Man 2 ?? semoga saja iya. (: . Dan bagi anda yg penasaran dengan Film Cowboys In Paradise ini silahkan anda bisa melihat dan mendownloadnya di Link yg saya sediakan di bawah ini :
Sebelum anda masuk ke linknya, saya informasikan dulu. Saat anda meng-klik linknya anda akan dibawa ke halaman adf.ly, tunggu beberapa detik hingga muncul tulisan SKIP ADD di pojok kanan atas layar. Lalu klik tombol SKIP ADD tersebut dan anda bisa langsung menuju linknya.
Lihat Film Cowboys Paradise Dari Situs Resminya LIHAT DISINI
Download Film Cowboys In Paradise DOWNLOAD DISINI
Minggu, 25 April 2010
Download Soal Ujian SNMPTN 2010 Latihan Soal SNMPTN Terbaru
Download Soal Ujian SNMPTN 2010 Latihan Soal SNMPTN Terbaru saat ini tengah banyak diburu oleh para calon peserta ujian SNMPTN. Koleksi Soal Ujian SNMPTN 2010 ini adalah Kumpulan Prediksi Soal SNMPTN dan juga Koleksi Soal SNMPTN tahun-tahun yg lalu. SNMPTN memang menjadi pilihan utama para lulusan SMA untuk melanjutkan studinya ke perguruan tinggi. Disamping biayanya lebih murah, juga SNMPTN memberikan tawaran untuk bisa masuk ke perguruan tinggi negeri favorit di indonesia. Namun memang harus diakui bahwa mengikuti SNMPTN dan mengerjakan Soal Ujian SNMPTN 2010 tidaklah semudah membalikkan telapak tangan. Seleksi Pendaftaran SNMPTN saja sudah sulit, bahkan tak jauh beda dengan seleksi Pendaftaran STAN dan juga Pendaftaran PMDK.
Memang sistem pendaftaran SNMPTN kali ini sudah menggunakan sistem SNMPTN Online, sudah canggih memang, namun kita berdoa saja agar Pendaftaran SNMPTN Online berjalan lancar. Beberapa lembaga-lembaga pun mulai Intens memberikan Tryout Soal Ujian SNMPTN 2010 dan juga beberapa situs malah menyediakan fasilitas Try Out Online. Tentunya hal ini akan sangat bermanfaat bagi anda yg ingin mengikuti SNMPTN tahun ini. Didasari rasa ingin membantu para sahabat yg akan mengikuti SNMPTN maka, Veroccanews memberikan Download Soal Ujian SNMPTN 2010 , disini adalah sebuah latihan soal dan merupakan prediksi Soal SNMPTN yg disediakan salah satu situs yg cukup terpercaya, yaitu onlinelesson.eu.
Download Soal Ujian SNMPTN 2010 Latihan Soal SNMPTN Terbaru yg saya berikan ini dibagi beberapa bagian, yaitu Tes Dasar, Tes Kemampuan IPA dan Tes Kemampuan IPS serta Tes Kemampuan Akademik (TPA) lengkap dengan kunci jawabannya. Selain itu saya juga akan memberikan e-book Tips Lulus SNMPTN yg bisa anda download secara gratis, baiklah untuk mendapatkan latihan Soal Ujian SNMPTN 2010 dan juga Tips Lulus SNMPTN silahkan anda download di link nya yg tersedia dibawah ini:
Sebelum anda menuju linknya, saya informasikan dulu. Saat anda meng-klik linknya anda akan dibawa ke halaman adf.ly, tunggu beberapa detik hingga muncul tulisan SKIP ADD di pojok kanan atas layar. Lalu klik tombol SKIP ADD tersebut dan anda bisa langsung mendownloadnya.
Cara Membuat Footer 3 Kolom di Blogger
Template Blogger kian banyak macamnya. Mulai dari yang berkonsep minimalis, hingga magazine style. Beberapa template baru memiliki footer tiga kolom, seperti blog ini.
Nah, bagaimana cara menambah footer 3 kolom di Blogger ? Bagi anda yang malas ganti template atau sudah sreg dengan template sekarang dan ingin menambah footer 3 kolom, tips ini mungkin berguna.
Oke, langsung saja ke tutorialnya:
1. Masuk Layout, kemudian Edit HTML , beri centang Expand widget (jangan lupa back up dulu buat jaga-jaga).
2. Cari kode: <div id="footer-wrapper">
Ket: pada beberapa template kodenya: footer atau footer-section.
3. Geser ke bawah (biasanya dua baris ke bawah) sampai ketemu kode: </div>
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5. Simpan, lalu klik Layout dan lihat hasilnya.
Baca juga : cara menghilangkan judul blog
Nah, bagaimana cara menambah footer 3 kolom di Blogger ? Bagi anda yang malas ganti template atau sudah sreg dengan template sekarang dan ingin menambah footer 3 kolom, tips ini mungkin berguna.
Oke, langsung saja ke tutorialnya:
1. Masuk Layout, kemudian Edit HTML , beri centang Expand widget (jangan lupa back up dulu buat jaga-jaga).
2. Cari kode: <div id="footer-wrapper">
Ket: pada beberapa template kodenya: footer atau footer-section.
3. Geser ke bawah (biasanya dua baris ke bawah) sampai ketemu kode: </div>
4. Tambahkan kode berikut ini di bawahnya:
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5. Simpan, lalu klik Layout dan lihat hasilnya.
Baca juga : cara menghilangkan judul blog
Piecing the Past
Prairie Dunes
Designed by Lynne Hagmeier,
Pieced by Lois Sprecker, Quilted by Cheri Schaeffer
50 x 72"
Lynne Hagmeier of Kansas Troubles has a new book from Star Quilt Books.
Piecing the Past: Vintage Quilts Recreated by Kansas Troubles
should be in the quilt shops any day.
Here's a sneak peek at some of her reproduction quilts.
She's interpreted antique quilts in her Moda fabrics from the Kansas Troubles collections.
Stars Over the Plains
Her inspirations were quilts from the turn of the last century, which she's updated in her signature colors.
South 40
83" x 83"
This one is a version of the split 9-patch,
known in Pennsylvania as the Perikiomen Valley pattern.
Click here to learn more about the book:
And read more about her Kansas Troubles fabric by clicking here:
Pendaftaran STAN Pengumuman dan Informasi - www.stan.ac.id
STAN adalah Sekolah Tinggi Akuntansi Negara adalah salah satu Sekolah tinggi yg paling populer dan diminati. Banyak sekali orang mencari Informasi Pendaftaran STAN 2010 saat ini melalui website www.stan.ac.id , STAN menjadi begitu diminati lantaran Sekolah Tinggi ini masih memberlakukan sistem ikatan kerja, tentunya yg langsung menjadi bagian Pegawai Negeri Sipil di Institusi DEPKEU,BPPK,Perpajakan jadi tidak perlu lagi susah-susah ikut dan mencari Lowongan CPNS. Sangat prospek memang, STAN menawarkan masa depan yg cerah pada setiap mahasiswanya. Biaya kuliah yg gratis juga diberlakukan di Sekolah Tingi Akuntansi Negara (STAN) ini. Seakan bak kacang goreng, Informasi Pendaftaran STAN 2010 banyak sekali dicari, selain orang mencari Informasi PMDK Terbaru. Memang Sekolah Tinggi Akuntansi Negara (STAN) sendiri sudah dipastikan membuka USM atau Ujian Saringan Masuk STAN 2010, tidak selisih jauh dari tanggal Seleksi SPMB 2010 atau yg sekarang dikenal dengan SNMPTN 2010.
Dan disini, Veroccanews akan memberikan Informasi Pendaftaran STAN 2010. adapun informasi Pendaftaran STAN 2010 adalah sebagai berikut:
- Pendaftaran STAN 2010 dibuka pada tanggal 4 Mei sampai dengan 27 Mei 2010
- Ujian Saringan Masuk (USM) STAN 2010 akan dilaksanakan hari Minggu tanggal 13 Juni 2010
- Adapun Jurusan yg dibuka adalah : Jurusan Administrasi perpajakan atau Pajak, Akuntansi Pemerintahan, Bea Cukai (khusus laki-laki), Kebendaharaan Negara, Penilai (Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan), Kepiutanglelangan atau Pengurusan Piutang Lelang Negara (PPLN).
Adapun Pendaftaran STAN 2010 akan dilakukan secara Online seperti pada SNMPTN Online. Tata cara Pendaftaran STAN 2010 secara online pun sistemnya tidak jauh beda dengan tahun kemarin, yaitu sebagai berikut :
- Calon peserta mendaftar terlebih dahulu melalui internet dengan alamat www.usm.stan.ac.id, kemudian mengisi formulir Pendaftan STAN secara online,yang diisi adalah nama, alamat, asal smu, jumlah nilai rata-rata dsb.
- Setelah proses pendaftaran selesai, peserta harus mencetak dan mencatat bukti no pendaftaran yg di dapat secara otomatis setelah selesai mendaftar.
- Nomer pendaftaran ini kemudian di cantumkan dalam bukti setoran / slip setoran di bank yang di tunjuk. kemudian peserta menyetor sejumlah biaya untuk mengikuti ujian.
- Kemudian pada hari yang telah di tentukan dalam bukti pendaftaran yang telah di cetak, peserta kemudian mendatangi tempat-tempat pendaftaran yang telah di tunjuk oleh pemerintah untuk melakukan verifikasi data dan setelah verifikasi data selesai peserta kana mendapatkan Bukti Peserta Ujian (BPU).
Sementara hanya itu dulu yg bisa saya informasikan tentang perihal Pendaftaran STAN 2010. Untuk informasi selengkapnya mengenai Pendaftaran STAN 2010 akan terus saya informasikan lebih lanjut, sehingga anda bisa mendapatkan Informasi Pendaftaran STAN 2010 selengkap-lengkapnya, termasuk nantinya juga akan saya berikan Tips Lulus Ujian Masuk STAN, seperti yg pernah saya berikan pada tulisan terdahulu mengenai Tips Lulus SNMPTN. Apabila anda ingin mendapatkan tambahan informasi mengenai Pendaftaran STAN 2010 , silahkan menuju link yg saya sediakan di bawah ini :
Sebelum anda menuju linknya, saya informasikan dulu. Saat anda meng-klik linknya anda akan dibawa ke halaman adf.ly, tunggu beberapa detik hingga muncul tulisan SKIP ADD di pojok kanan atas layar. Lalu klik tombol SKIP ADD tersebut dan anda bisa langsung menuju linknya.
Sabtu, 24 April 2010
Apple iPad
iPad adalah sebuah produk komputer tablet buatan Apple Inc. iPad mempunyai tampilan yang hampir serupa dengan iPod dan iPhone, iPad ini memiliki fitur - fitur tambahan seperti yang terdapat pada system operasi Mac OS X.
Apple sejauh ini sudah mengumumkan dua jenis model iPad. Model Wi-Fi dengan Wi-Fi 802.11a/b/g/n dengan berat 680 gram yang dipasarkan 3 April 2010 dan model Wi-Fi + 3G yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk menggunakan jaringan HSDPA dengan berat 730 gram, yang mulai dipasarkan pada akhir April 2010.
Produk ini memiliki desain layar multi-sentuh 9.56x7.47 inci dengan lebar layar 9.7 inci atau sekitar 25 sentimeter (cm), yang dilengkapi LED backlight dengan teknologi IPS (singkatan dari In-Plane Switching), resolusi 1024x768 piksel, kapasitas memori flash drive mulai dari kisaran 16 gigabyte (Gb) hingga 64 Gb, prosesor 1 gigahertz (GHz) Apple A4, baterai lithium-polymer yang dapat bertahan hingga 10 jam pemakaian, mendukung pemutaran audio dengan format AAC, MP3, VBR, audible, apple lossless, AIFF dan WAV serta mendukung format video H.264 hingga 720p, .m4v, .mp4, .mov, dan MPEG-4. Selain itu juga terdapat bluetooht 2.1, kompas digital, GPS, Wi-Fi (802.11a/b/g/n), dock connector, built-in speaker, mikrofon, 3.5-mm stereo headphone jack dan menggunakan system operasi yang sama dengan sistem operasi iPhone.
Spesifikasi :
Layar : 9,7 inchi
Berat : 1,5 Pound
Chip : A4 1Ghz
Memori : 16 GB hingga 64GB
Jaringan : Wifi dan 3G
iPad di banderol dengan harga : USD499
Ungaro is DDB.
Deaf, dumb and blind. Yep, that's DDB. No one ever expected the company to have the same footprint when it passed from the hands of Emanuel to Asim Abdullah. These changes always bring an eruption of sorts. The old timers want it to stay the same and the new kids want radical, news breaking shifts. What always seems to make or break these rebirths are owners with a vision, a strategy for the future. Patience with the design team as well as the public's perception is also key to a gradual and ideally smooth transition. Listening to the marketplace, the press and one's own gut is a part of the process, but that's where it can get sticky. It's the listening and to whom one listens that can help or confuse. Too often the voices of the crowd carry more weight than the voice in your head. With Ungaro's owner, Asim Abdullah, it's increasingly clear that he hears and sees nothing.
Esteban Cortazar, the first Creative director to take the reins with Ungaro's departure, seemed to be doing a good enough job. The collections were not mind blowing, but that's rare these days. It was sufficient that he was finding his way and bringing the buyers, press and clients along with him. All was well, enough. The insidious virus circling these grand couture houses undergoing cosmetic surgery is always one form or other of the celebrity. The celebrity face, the celebrity endorsement or the most fatal of all, the celebrity Creative Director. The most virulent of infections took over this house when Lindsay Lohan was dragged from the lowest depths of the celebrity pool to come in and Direct the designer and be the face of the company . At the time I was kind of dumbfounded by this decision. Cortazar 's reaction to the hire, and his decision to leave seemed rash and immature. I understood his feelings of revulsion, but also thought he'd outlast this aberration with just a season's patience or two. How long could she possibly last before she got booted or bored ? He left in a huff and Estrella Archs came to the rescue, surely with the same disgust and reservations of having to tackle this huge responsibility with a stoned tween in the driver's seat.
That pivotal collection came off to a cacophony of boos. Archs grimaced and bore it, Lindsay was so wasted she likely doesn't remember if it was a dream or a nightmare. Universally, the fashion community laughed at the company and not in a good way. You'd think that would be the end of Lindsay considering she was responsible for the lion's share of looks that staggered down the runway, but she kept her head and the CEO lost his. From there it went precipitously down hill. Finally, Lindsay got the boot and Estrella took a pass leaving the house of Ungaro rudderless. What to do? Who to hire? Who to advise? I would venture to guess that somewhere at some point the Vogue Employment Agency stepped in and made its recommendations which Abdulla was only too happy to follow.
Giles Deacon, an English designer with his own collection of spotty merit is the name that has bubbled to the surface. He's popular, considered star material by those who know, and has a career that's on the rise. His collections are also wildly inconsistent. The last 3 I've seen have left me puzzled and unmoved. Using Daphne Guinness as muse and design compass is like taking a divining rod to the middle of the Sahara. You'll do a lot of walking until you drop dead of thirst. Daphne is the rich man's Isabella Blow, highly overrated and suspiciously self serving, but those are magic ingredients for stardom on the fashion stage. Deacon's Spring 2010 collection, which prominently featured Daphne as model/muse was sophomoric, repetitive, uninteresting and banal. Those adjectives add up to a very low number in the new scoring system. Giles has shown little zip since then other than his wildly successful note card collection he created for a very highbrow stationer in London featuring his sketches of dresses. I did see signs of life in his recent Fall 2010 collection that looked clean, minimal and had an esoteric twist that showed a promising departure from corset dresses with flyaway skirts. There were conceptual head ornaments that were memorable.
Ungaro has shown itself to be lost in the woods. I'm hopeful this hire, if it turns out to be Deacon, will be fruitful and not leave them adrift at sea.
Esteban Cortazar, the first Creative director to take the reins with Ungaro's departure, seemed to be doing a good enough job. The collections were not mind blowing, but that's rare these days. It was sufficient that he was finding his way and bringing the buyers, press and clients along with him. All was well, enough. The insidious virus circling these grand couture houses undergoing cosmetic surgery is always one form or other of the celebrity. The celebrity face, the celebrity endorsement or the most fatal of all, the celebrity Creative Director. The most virulent of infections took over this house when Lindsay Lohan was dragged from the lowest depths of the celebrity pool to come in and Direct the designer and be the face of the company . At the time I was kind of dumbfounded by this decision. Cortazar 's reaction to the hire, and his decision to leave seemed rash and immature. I understood his feelings of revulsion, but also thought he'd outlast this aberration with just a season's patience or two. How long could she possibly last before she got booted or bored ? He left in a huff and Estrella Archs came to the rescue, surely with the same disgust and reservations of having to tackle this huge responsibility with a stoned tween in the driver's seat.
That pivotal collection came off to a cacophony of boos. Archs grimaced and bore it, Lindsay was so wasted she likely doesn't remember if it was a dream or a nightmare. Universally, the fashion community laughed at the company and not in a good way. You'd think that would be the end of Lindsay considering she was responsible for the lion's share of looks that staggered down the runway, but she kept her head and the CEO lost his. From there it went precipitously down hill. Finally, Lindsay got the boot and Estrella took a pass leaving the house of Ungaro rudderless. What to do? Who to hire? Who to advise? I would venture to guess that somewhere at some point the Vogue Employment Agency stepped in and made its recommendations which Abdulla was only too happy to follow.
Giles Deacon, an English designer with his own collection of spotty merit is the name that has bubbled to the surface. He's popular, considered star material by those who know, and has a career that's on the rise. His collections are also wildly inconsistent. The last 3 I've seen have left me puzzled and unmoved. Using Daphne Guinness as muse and design compass is like taking a divining rod to the middle of the Sahara. You'll do a lot of walking until you drop dead of thirst. Daphne is the rich man's Isabella Blow, highly overrated and suspiciously self serving, but those are magic ingredients for stardom on the fashion stage. Deacon's Spring 2010 collection, which prominently featured Daphne as model/muse was sophomoric, repetitive, uninteresting and banal. Those adjectives add up to a very low number in the new scoring system. Giles has shown little zip since then other than his wildly successful note card collection he created for a very highbrow stationer in London featuring his sketches of dresses. I did see signs of life in his recent Fall 2010 collection that looked clean, minimal and had an esoteric twist that showed a promising departure from corset dresses with flyaway skirts. There were conceptual head ornaments that were memorable.
Ungaro has shown itself to be lost in the woods. I'm hopeful this hire, if it turns out to be Deacon, will be fruitful and not leave them adrift at sea.
Fuck Arizona
Gov. Jan Brewer signed a law whereby Arizona police can demand immigration papers from people that look to them like they could be illegal. That is, anyone brown. Perhaps Paddy Moloney, a recent illegal immigrant from Ireland is in Arizona illegally, but no one is going to stop him, because he doesn't look like he could be illegal.
What asshat law is this?
As Chief Justice of my own Fantasy Supreme Court, here's my beef. Fair enough if a state wants to curtail the presence of illegal immigrants. They have every right to do so. There are surely ways to do it, however, without restoring to racist discrimination.
My ruling is: if immigrants are forced to carry immigration documents at all times, then so should everyone else.
But because of this law, American citizens of Mexican or Latin American descent, or legal immigrants are going to be discriminated on the basis of the way they look. Mind you, long before the first paleface arrived, the first inhabitants of Arizona were Native Americans, followed by Mexicans. There must be American citizens in Arizona whose brown ancestors have been there for hundreds of years, but who could now be mistaken for a wetback.
I read somewhere that the Arizona police are not happy about this law, because it's none of their business and it puts them in a terrible position. And they are right. But there is a minority of racist cranks that makes a lot of noise. And Gov. Brewer and John McCain are having primary challenges soon, so there you have it: Republicans caving in to their basest instincts once again.
In many countries in Europe people have a national id and you are supposed to carry it with you. Let's see if all Americans are willing to be forced to carry and present a national id that is not a drivers' license. But to demand of only one group to carry papers, there is something highly disturbing, undemocratic and un-American about it.
What asshat law is this?
As Chief Justice of my own Fantasy Supreme Court, here's my beef. Fair enough if a state wants to curtail the presence of illegal immigrants. They have every right to do so. There are surely ways to do it, however, without restoring to racist discrimination.
My ruling is: if immigrants are forced to carry immigration documents at all times, then so should everyone else.
But because of this law, American citizens of Mexican or Latin American descent, or legal immigrants are going to be discriminated on the basis of the way they look. Mind you, long before the first paleface arrived, the first inhabitants of Arizona were Native Americans, followed by Mexicans. There must be American citizens in Arizona whose brown ancestors have been there for hundreds of years, but who could now be mistaken for a wetback.
I read somewhere that the Arizona police are not happy about this law, because it's none of their business and it puts them in a terrible position. And they are right. But there is a minority of racist cranks that makes a lot of noise. And Gov. Brewer and John McCain are having primary challenges soon, so there you have it: Republicans caving in to their basest instincts once again.
In many countries in Europe people have a national id and you are supposed to carry it with you. Let's see if all Americans are willing to be forced to carry and present a national id that is not a drivers' license. But to demand of only one group to carry papers, there is something highly disturbing, undemocratic and un-American about it.
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Jumat, 23 April 2010
Shahrukh Khan Best 5 Pictures
Shahrukh Khan was born to a Muslim family His father Taj Mohammed Khan was a freedom activist of Pathan background. Khan has a sister named Lalarukh. He did schooling from St. Columba's School and then college from Hansraj College Delhi, he studied for a Masters Degree in Mass Communications at Jamia Millia Islamia University.He married Gauri Khan in a very traditional Hindu wedding ceremony, and they have two children, son Aryan and daughter Suhana. He started his acting career in 1988 by appearing in the television series Fauji. In 1992 he did bollywood film Deewana Which was successful. He did many successful films Baazigar, Darr and DDLJ etc,
Top movies:
Deewana (1992)
Darr (1993)
Yes Boss(1997)
Kuch Kuch Hota Hai (1997)
Devdas (2002)
Veer-Zaara (2004)
Don (2006)
Shahrukh Khan
Shahrukh Khan
Shahrukh Khan
Shahrukh Khan
Shahrukh Khan
Top movies:
Deewana (1992)
Darr (1993)
Yes Boss(1997)
Kuch Kuch Hota Hai (1997)
Devdas (2002)
Veer-Zaara (2004)
Don (2006)
Shahrukh Khan
Shahrukh Khan
Shahrukh Khan
Shahrukh Khan
Shahrukh Khan
Hrithik Roshan Top 5 Pictures
Hrithik Roshan, fondly known as Duggu by his near and dear ones, was born into a filmi family on the 10th of January, 1974. His mother is Pinky Roshan, the daughter of producer and director J.Om Prakash while his father is Rakesh Roshan, who was an actor before turning into a director, besides being the son of music director Roshan. He is the nephew of music director Rajesh Roshan. He also has a sister Sunaina.
Hrithik studied at the Bombay Scottish School, Churchgate and has a degree in commerce from Sydenham College.
Soon after his successful debut in Bollywood, he tied the knot with his childhood sweetheart Suzanne Khan, daughter of actor Sanjay Khan and sister of actor Zayed Khan. They have two sons, Hrehaan and Hridhan.
He had his bad moments after stepping into the spotlight. His father was shot by the underworld when he refused to give the foreign rights of Kaho Na Pyaar Hai. It was followed by rumours that the actor had made remarks against Nepalese which resulted in outrage against the actor in Nepal. However the actor denied it.
Hrithik is known to be a perfectionist and has worked very hard to be where he is today. He prepares himself thoroughly for every role he portrays, has trained in dance and acting besides working on his diction and his appearance. He started working out under Salman Khan’s guidance, when he worked as an assistant director on the sets of Karan Arjun and Koyla.
He got a taste of Bollywood as a child, when he appeared in the film Aasha (1980), Aapke Deewane (1980) and Bhagwan Dada (1986). But it was the year 2000 that made people sit up and take note.
A Star Is Born….
2000 Kaho Na Pyaar Hai, a love story directed by his father, in which he starred opposite newcomer Amisha Patel was an exceptional success, winning eight Filmfare awards among countless others, two of which landed with Hrithik for Best Debut and Best Actor. This was followed by Fiza with Karishma Kapoor and Jaya Bacchan, in which his portrayal the terrorist Amaan was appreciated. He played a similar role in Mission Kashmir with Preity Zinta.
2001 Yaadein with Jackie Shroff and Kareena Kapoor wasn’t a big success while Karan Johar’s family drama, the star studded Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Gham was an instant hit.
2002 The year saw a string of flops like Aap Mujhe Acche Lage, Na Tum Jaano Na Hum and Mujhse Dosti Karoge, making people question about whether it was downhill from here.
Hrithik Roshan
Hrithik Roshan
Hrithik Roshan
Hrithik Roshan
Hrithik Roshan
Hrithik studied at the Bombay Scottish School, Churchgate and has a degree in commerce from Sydenham College.
Soon after his successful debut in Bollywood, he tied the knot with his childhood sweetheart Suzanne Khan, daughter of actor Sanjay Khan and sister of actor Zayed Khan. They have two sons, Hrehaan and Hridhan.
He had his bad moments after stepping into the spotlight. His father was shot by the underworld when he refused to give the foreign rights of Kaho Na Pyaar Hai. It was followed by rumours that the actor had made remarks against Nepalese which resulted in outrage against the actor in Nepal. However the actor denied it.
Hrithik is known to be a perfectionist and has worked very hard to be where he is today. He prepares himself thoroughly for every role he portrays, has trained in dance and acting besides working on his diction and his appearance. He started working out under Salman Khan’s guidance, when he worked as an assistant director on the sets of Karan Arjun and Koyla.
He got a taste of Bollywood as a child, when he appeared in the film Aasha (1980), Aapke Deewane (1980) and Bhagwan Dada (1986). But it was the year 2000 that made people sit up and take note.
A Star Is Born….
2000 Kaho Na Pyaar Hai, a love story directed by his father, in which he starred opposite newcomer Amisha Patel was an exceptional success, winning eight Filmfare awards among countless others, two of which landed with Hrithik for Best Debut and Best Actor. This was followed by Fiza with Karishma Kapoor and Jaya Bacchan, in which his portrayal the terrorist Amaan was appreciated. He played a similar role in Mission Kashmir with Preity Zinta.
2001 Yaadein with Jackie Shroff and Kareena Kapoor wasn’t a big success while Karan Johar’s family drama, the star studded Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Gham was an instant hit.
2002 The year saw a string of flops like Aap Mujhe Acche Lage, Na Tum Jaano Na Hum and Mujhse Dosti Karoge, making people question about whether it was downhill from here.
Hrithik Roshan
Hrithik Roshan
Hrithik Roshan
Hrithik Roshan
Hrithik Roshan
Emraan Hashmi Pictures 2010
Mumbai, July 31 : Bollywood actor Emraan Hashmi said on Friday that he id being denied accommodation in the Nibbana Cooperative Housing Society in Pali Hill because he is a Muslim.
Hashmi, who was looking forward to buying a new flat, told reporters that he has filed a complaint against the housing society with the Maharashtra Minority Commission.
"My parents went to meet society members last week to get a no objection certificate (NoC) along with the seller and the broker, but the society members, however, told them that they were busy and refused to meet them,” claimed Hashmi.
Hashmi said the seller has informed him about the society’s refusal to give NoC.
The Vice Chairman of the Maharashtra Minority Commission, Abraham Mathai said, the commission has sent a show cause notice to the housing society.
The secretary of the housing society said, they have not received any letter from the Hashmis. He clarified that there is no ban on Muslims owning a house in the complex. (ANI)
Emraan Hashmi
Emraan Hashmi
Emraan Hashmi
Emraan Hashmi
Emraan Hashmi
Hashmi, who was looking forward to buying a new flat, told reporters that he has filed a complaint against the housing society with the Maharashtra Minority Commission.
"My parents went to meet society members last week to get a no objection certificate (NoC) along with the seller and the broker, but the society members, however, told them that they were busy and refused to meet them,” claimed Hashmi.
Hashmi said the seller has informed him about the society’s refusal to give NoC.
The Vice Chairman of the Maharashtra Minority Commission, Abraham Mathai said, the commission has sent a show cause notice to the housing society.
The secretary of the housing society said, they have not received any letter from the Hashmis. He clarified that there is no ban on Muslims owning a house in the complex. (ANI)
Emraan Hashmi
Emraan Hashmi
Emraan Hashmi
Emraan Hashmi
Emraan Hashmi
Shahid Kapoor Best Pictures
The viewers of bollywood films wish happy birthday to Shahid Kapoor, the successful romantic star on 25th February, 2009. He had acted in very successful films in the recent past, but for some reason or the other did not get the acknowledgement he deserved.
His performance in the film Jab We Met almost pulled the film across the country. His decency and composure in the film was worth mentioning. Yet when the question of recognition did arise the entire credit was taken up by Kareena Kapoor. She received the filmfare award for the best actress for her performance in the film. Even Pritam who composed melodious songs in the film was unrewarded.
Shahid Kapoor’s other successful films included Chup Chup Ke. For most part of the film he pretended to be a deaf and dumb person. He worked with Rajpal Yadav in the house of Om Puri and got associated with Kareena Kapoor. Later in the film his identity was disclosed. His performance in that film was also extraordinary.
Shahid Kapoor
Shahid Kapoor
Shahid Kapoor
Shahid Kapoor
Shahid Kapoor
His performance in the film Jab We Met almost pulled the film across the country. His decency and composure in the film was worth mentioning. Yet when the question of recognition did arise the entire credit was taken up by Kareena Kapoor. She received the filmfare award for the best actress for her performance in the film. Even Pritam who composed melodious songs in the film was unrewarded.
Shahid Kapoor’s other successful films included Chup Chup Ke. For most part of the film he pretended to be a deaf and dumb person. He worked with Rajpal Yadav in the house of Om Puri and got associated with Kareena Kapoor. Later in the film his identity was disclosed. His performance in that film was also extraordinary.
Shahid Kapoor
Shahid Kapoor
Shahid Kapoor
Shahid Kapoor
Shahid Kapoor
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