My Brackets Below
I live in Basketballburg USA, Lawrence, Kansas
You may not know that we lost a big game last weekend.

I wouldn't even bring it up, but I had big plans---
Deb Rowden and I are working on a book about sports quilts featuring Jayhawk basketball quilts.
Deb found one from the 1930s with James Naismith's and Phog Allen's signatures on it.
We made one with signatures of former coaches and players.
How could we have lost?
The show must go on and the book will be out in July.
Why didn't we feature Northern Iowa?
Everyone is upset. Check out this youtube video to see a Hitleresque rage: Look in your quilt shop in July for the book with the tentative title of Sew Into Sports: Quilts For the Sports Fans in Your Life.
I could probably photoshop some Northern Iowa Panthers onto those shoes
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