Minggu, 31 Januari 2010

Judy Severson's Broderie Perse

Judy Severson, Blue Garland, 92" x 92"

Judy Severson, Blue Rose, hand stuffed by Judy, hand quilted by Toni Fisher, 78" x 78"

Judy Severson has revived the art of cut-out-chintz applique with her book Flowers in Applique and through her teaching. Chintz applique, also called Broderie Perse, was the earliest applique style. Quiltmakers snipped blossoms out of chintz-scale prints and arranged them on a new background.

I took these detail shots of a block-style chintz applique Judy displayed at last fall's American Quilt Study Group conference.

This detail shows you that Judy, like the early applique artists, doesn't cut around every detail. For this piece she had a wonderful combination---a chintz on a fancy figured background and the same fancy ground as separate yardage. She could cut rather loosely and make it all blend in.

Judy's teaching at The Elly Sienkiewicz Appliqué Academy from February 11 to the 14th. Click here to read more about her and the other teachers:

Judy is also well known for her embossed quilt cards See more about them by clicking here:

Flowers A-Bloom, hand stuffed by Judy, hand quilted by Toni Fisher, 81" x 81"

To see some antique quilts using this technique go to the website of the International Quilt Study Center and Museum by clicking here:
On this search page scroll down to Advanced Search and find the menu item Style/Type. Pull down the menu bar there and click on Cut-out chintz(Broderie Perse). You'll find over 30 examples.

Sabtu, 30 Januari 2010

Splendid Eats

Yesterday I had one of the most remarkable eating days of my life. My Enchilado Brother In Law gave me a ride to downtown DF and invited me to breakfast at El Cardenal, thus making a dream come true for me.
I don't think I've ever been happier at 9 am. And unless I go back there, will I ever be.
First, their famous bitter hot chocolate with a warm concha from their ovens. Heaven.
Then their famous nata (clotted cream?) with hot bolillitos. Heaven is pedestrian compared to this. This is sheer ecstasy.
Then huevos revueltos con jamon en cazuela con salsa molcajeteada y queso panela. An earthenware dish of scrambled eggs with ham in a spicy but magnificent red sauce that had a faint taste of chicharron. Sublime.
I washed this off with fresh orange and pineapple juice, which actually tasted like oranges and pineapples. This was breakfast.
For lunch I met my friends Mauricio and Sergio at a nouvelle cantina called La Capital in the Condesa neighborhood. The food was fabulous. We started with a fresh tuna tiradito with soy sauce and chili oil and lime, then tostadas de camaron en escabeche, shrimp escabeche tostadas, then a pescado zarandeado, a whole fish rubbed with spices and I had a sopa de fideos seca, which is a Mexican vermicelli soup without the broth.
And then dinner at the ultrachic nouvel Mexican, Pujol.
More on that later. I'm going out to lunch!

Jumat, 29 Januari 2010

Objek Wisata Kabupaten Pacitan | Pesona Wisata Alam Indonesia


Kabupaten Pacitan terletak di ujung Barat Daya Provinsi Jawa Timur, Wilayah bagian Utara berbatasan dengan Kabupaten Ponorogo, Di Timur Kabupaten trenggalek, Di Selatan berbatasan dengan Samudera Hindia, dan di Barat berbatasan dengan Kabupaten Wonogiri (Jateng). Kota yg terbagi menjadi 12 kecamatan ini memiliki pesona wisata yg sangat menakjubkan, Tak banyak orang tau memang mengenai keindahan wisata kabupaten Pacitan ini. Wisata Alam seperti Pantai dan Goa merupakan andalan kabupaten pacitan di sektor pariwisata. Kota yg juga dijuluki Kota 1001 Goa ini benar-benar memiliki keindahan yg tiada tara dalam hal wisata alam pantai.

Sayang memang, obyek wisata yg begitu mempesona ini masih belum bisa menjadi primadona di sektor wisata khususnya jawa timur. Padahal jika dibandingkan daerah lain, wisata alam pantai di Pacitan sangat jauh lebih menakjubkan dan membuat kita berdecak kagum. Bahkan, pantai disana sangat alami dengan pasir putih nan lembut berpadu air yg bening serta panorama keindahan batu yg nampak seperti mengapung di lautan. Sangat sempurna. Tak hanya itu, kabupaten Pacitan juga menawarkan kemegahan Goa nya, seperti Goa Gong, Goa terbesar di Asia ini sangat mempesona dengan batu-batu yg terbentuk indah alami oleh tetesan air, membuat mata seakan tak percaya dan takjub menyaksikan maha karya Tuhan yg maha besar.

Goa Gong
Gua yang terletak di Dusun Pule, Desa Bomo, Kecamatan Punung, Kabupaten Pacitan ini merupakan gua yang terindah dan terdalam diantara gugusan gua-gua yang terletak di disekitarnya. Karena masih ada beberapa gua lain yang letaknya tidak terlalu jauh dari Gua Gong, seperti Gua Tabuhan dan Gua Putri. Alkisah waktu itu, Dusun Pule mengalami kemarau yang panjang, sehingga sulit untuk mencari air minum dan air untuk berbagai keperluan sehari-hari. Maka Mbah Noyo Semito dan Mbah Joyo mencoba mencari air ke dalam gua yang dianggapnya terlalu jauh dari rumah penduduk kurang lebih 400 meter. Dengan menggunakan alat penerangan tradisional berupa obor (daun kelapa kering yang diikat) hingga menghabiskan tujuh ikat, kedua kakek tersebut berhasil menelusuri lorong-lorong gua hingga menemukan beberapa sendang dan mandi di dalamnya. Peristiwa tersebut terhitung 65 tahun yang lalu yang dihitung mundur dari tahun 1995.
Atas penemuan tersebut, pencarian berikutnya pun dilakukan, tepatnya pada hari Minggu Pon tanggal 5 Maret 1995, berangkatlah sejumlah rombongan yang berjumlah delapan orang untuk mengeksplore lebih jauh tentang keberadaan gua tersebut. Singkat cerita akhirnya rombongan tersebut berhasil menyusuri gua yang keindahannya bisa dirasakan sampai sekarang”

Goa Tabuhan
Cerita masyarakat sekitar, gua Tabuhan yang ditemukan oleh Kyai Santiko. Ia kehilangan lembu yg bersembunyi di sebuah gua. Lembu itu tidak ingin keluar dari gua, karena menyimpan banyak air. Setelah semak belukar dibersihkan, Gua itu dirawat oleh Raden Bagus Joko Lelono dan puteri Raden Ayu Mardilah.
Gua Tabuhan terletak di pantai barat daya Jawa Timur. Gua ini disebut Tabuhan karena bebatuan yg ada di gua ini bisa digunakan untuk bermain musik khas jawa dan juga kerap mengeluarkan suara khas gamelan jawa. Gua ini sangat spektakuler , dengan varilored stalagmites ke atas mencapai setinggi 50 meter menuju liontin stalagtites dibentuk oleh tetesan air dari atap. Hal ini disebut sebagai gua Tabuhan karena jika lapped akan menghasilkan suara seperti irama musik Jawa (gamelan).Gua ini terletak di desa Wareng, Punung - Pacitan sekitar 40 km dari kota Pacitan ke arah barat.

Goa Putri
Goa Putri adalah goa yang di dalamnya terdapat keindahan panorama stalagtit dan stalagmit yang cukup indeh. Goa ini dinamakan sebagai Goa Putri karena di dalam Goa stalagtit dan stalakmit nya konon mempunyai bentuk yang mirip seorang putri dan juga ditemukan tempat peristirahatan yang ada di dalam goa milik seorang putri.

Sumber Air Panas Arjosari
Pemandian air panas ini menyimpan berbagai khasiat dan manfaat karena mengandung belerang, dipercaya dapat menyembuhkan berbagai macam penyakit.
Terletak di Kecamatan Arjosari, kurang lebih 15 Km dari kota Pacitan. Dapat ditempuh dengan kendaraan roda 2 maupun roda 4.

Pantai Teleng Ria
Pantai Teleng Ria merupakan sebuah teluk. Pantai ini diapit oleh dua dataran tinggi yang merupakan bagian dari pegunungan kapur Selatan yang membujur dari Gunung Kidul ke Trenggalek, menghadap Samudera Indonesia. Kendati pantai ini disinari matahari yang terik, namun udaranya masih terasa sejuk layaknya hembusan angin pegunungan. Untuk masuk ke kawasan pantai ini harus membayar tiket Rp.5000,-/org dan Rp.2000,-/kendaraan Rp.10.000,- untuk bis. Masuk kawasan pantai terdapat banyak warung yang menjual beraneka macam makanan maupun cenderamata, juga terdapat  Warung Said, Ngopi Yuk.

Pantai Srau
Pantai Srau merupakan salah satu objek wisata andalan Kabupaten Pacitan. Berpasir putih, memiliki deretan pohon kelapa yang rindang, dan pengunjung bisa berkeliling di semenanjung yang menjorok ke samudra , terlihat jelas bahwa Pantai Srau memiliki 3 sisi pantai, yaitu yang menghadap ke Timur, Selatan, dan Barat. Pantai ini terletak di kecamatan Pringkukuh pacitan, dari pantai ini kita bisa melihat 3 batu besar yg berjejer ditengah laut. Sangat indah dan menkjubkan.

Pantai Kalayar
Pantai Klayar berada di kecamatan Donorojo Kabupaten Pacitan, yang jaraknyasekitar 35 Km ke arah barat kota Pacitan. Pantai berpasir putih ini memiliki suatu keistimewaan yaitu adanya seruling laut yang sesekali bersiul di antara celah batu karang dan semburan ombak.
Di samping itu juga terdapat Air Mancur Alami yang sangat Indah. Air mancur ini terjadi karena tekanan ombak air laut yang menerpa tebing karang berongga. Air muncrat yang dapat mencapai ketinggian 10 meter menghasilkan gerimis dan embun air laut yang diyakini berkhasiat sebagai obat awet muda.




Kamis, 28 Januari 2010

Greetings from Sunny Mexico

Darlings, I´m too busy eating tacos and seeing family and friends, and so I have neglected you. I am on vacation in sunny D.F. and quite frankly rather averse at sitting at the computer when I can be absorbing some warm and toasty vitamin D.
The city looks good, the traffic is horrible, as usual, and it's great to see old friends.
The news here are consumed by some soccer player who was shot in the head at a bar.
I'm staying in the burbs, and going down into the city takes the better part of an hour. Luckily, there are established outposts of taquerias and diners so those who have schlepped all the way here don´t feel deprived (or don´t have to drive an hour for a torta de milanesa). The prices up here are like those in New York. But more, because this is Mexico.
In the meantime, as usual when I´m here, I spend most of my mental energy navigating the discrepancies between my New York lifestyle/mindset and the one I left behind. Places with enormous gulfs between the rich and the poor, such as Mexico, make extravagant lifestyles seem utterly normal for those who enjoy them. I don't want to get too marxisty or anything, but I think that great wealth is more challenging to achieve when there is a more level playing field and you are not coasting on the sweaty backs of a huge underclass. Having said this, don´t think for a moment that I am not enjoying the perks.
I can see why Mexico City, with all its enormous drawbacks, is appealing. The weather is mild, there are fruits and flowers and food everywhere. Particularly appealing in the winter, and that is as far as I´m willing to go.

Kansas City Star Patterns Online

Thirties quilts have a signature look, not only in the clear, cheerful colors but also in the designs. They have a modern look with simplified shapes, yet complex repeats. Many of those unique patterns were published in the Kansas City Star, like the "Dogwood Blossom" below, a combination of spiky fans and checkerboard blocks.

Dogwood Blossom, published in the Star February, 1934

The Star published over a thousand quilt patterns from 1928 to 1961.

Sunbonnet Sue, designed by Eveline Foland, published in the Star 1930.

You can get Star patterns online by subscribing to My Star Collection. For a $20 annual fee you can download a Kansas City Star quilt pattern once a week for a year---52 patterns.  Each pattern has been redrafted to eliminate inaccuracies in the originals and includes rotary-cutting instructions. You can also buy extras for $2 each.

You have access to a database of sketches of all the Star patterns, a feature I like because if I am dating a quilt like the Sunbonnet Sue quilt above it helps to know that the pattern was published August 9, 1930. The quilt couldn’t have been made before then.

For more information, click here:

Here are two more Kansas City Star designs.

"The Cotton Boll Quilt" published February 12, 1941

"Memory Bouquet" designed by Eveline Foland, published in 1930

Senin, 25 Januari 2010

Vera wants a reality show...Take a ticket. The line forms to the left.

Swine flu is nothing compared to the virus which is Fashion reality TV. These shows are sprouting up everywhere on every major cable network for every demographic. You can't schuss the flat screen without running over one on any given night. From Project Runway to the Fashion Show to Launch my line to America's Top Supermodel and on and on. I think I've made myself clear as to my thoughts on PR and the Fashion Show. Launch My Line is another beast altogether. This show is one of the most poorly conceived step children of the litter.Total posers with no experience in the business or craft of fashion design decide that they want it, therefore, they can have it...even succeed at it. Each loser is paired with an industry "Expert" and all square off against each other to win a 50k prize and a chance to sell their line on an overstock/sample sale Internet site called Rue La La. The hosts are the twin brothers behind the Dsquared2 label. From the beginning it was a recipe for disaster, but has ended up the lowest entertainment I've seen. This show makes Tyra look like a P.H.D..

The hapless contestants don't know or do anything but force their"experts" to do all the design and construction. There are cat fights, people storming out, buckets of tears and ego tantrums that set a new standard for the shabbiest casting to date. There was a line uttered by a contestant whose job to date was being photographed at shows in utterly outlandish costumes, make-up and attitude. His day job had been as a Sales Director for a designer. When the group was given the task of going out to Venice Beach to pick up on trends to incorporate into the challenge of the week, he actually said, " I don't pick up on trends, I set them!" That was when I stepped away from the TV, grabbed the remote and took a long walk around the block.

These shows have created and perpetuated this idea that anyone can be a designer and anything , no matter how lame will capture an audience as long as the word Fashion is tacked to it. I have a problem with this. That isn't to say that there isn't an entertainment quotient to be found in some or all of these shows, but they aren't REAL and it isn't fashion. You may disagree with me and even say to each other, "what make him so sure?" It's just a feeling I have after spending 22 years in the business as a designer that this is not the reality I experienced.

Now Vera wants in. The troubling aspect to all of this "pants down around your ankles" on weekly TV is just that at a certain point we've seen it all, already. Vera's story is even more familiar than most designers. Will we follow her from her Park Ave. pile to the studio(by limo) after listening in on her instructing the chef and maid as to what she NEEDS. Perhaps, we get to see a fitting with an Olympic figure skater or a bridezilla. Maybe we'll sit in on a very high level meeting with the top brass from Kohl's. Either way, it probably doesn't make for any better TV than Puffy's lame show or Dawg, the Bounty Hunter. Until Fashion reality shows start taking on the actual mechanics and day to day grind of creating clothes in the REAL world, everything will be a sad exercise of the banal.

Minggu, 24 Januari 2010

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Cynthiara Alona memang sosok artis yg begitu mempesona, lekuk tubuhnya seksi dan benar-benar wanita yg perfect. Saat ini dia yg paling dicari dalam pencarian google : Foto Bugil Artis Indonesia . Cynthiara Alona memang kerap ber Pose Hot dan bugil hanya dengan ber bikini. Sangat berani memang artis yg satu ini, Bahkan ia sempat diusir dari rumah oleh keluarganya lantaran Pose Hot nya di Playboy. Pemain Film Setan Budek , Paku Kuntilanak dan yg terbaru Diperkosa Setan ini memang benar-benar total saat berakting di film yg ia bintangi. Ia pun tak ragu beradegan seronok di film nya, dan ini yg sempat membuat kakeknya shock berat.

Artis yg kerap nongol dalam pencarian Artis Bugil Indonesia Foto Bugil Cynthiara Alona HOT Skandal ini juga merupakan seorang presenter diacara Untung Ada Budi ini mengelak jika dia berpose bugil di majalah playboy , Kata Cynthiara media lah yg membesar-besarkan nya. Bahkan ia sudah berjanji kepada keluarganya untuk tidak mengulangi ber pose hot dan seronok lagi, namun apa mau dikata? saat ini kembali pose hot nya memenuhi dunia maya. Bahkan pencarian Foto Bugil nya nongol diantara Download Movie porno, Download Video mesum dan Download Wallpaper Seksi. mengalahkan pencarian DOWNLOAD FILM SUSTER KERAMAS dan Foto Hot Rin Sakuragi . Penasaran ingin melihat se-hot apa sih pose Cynthiara Alona? lihat dan Download Photo nya langsung di bawah ini :



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Early Quilts & Intarsia

Inlaid work or intarsia quilts.
Left: From the collection of Colonial Williamsburg. Right: Dated 1718 from the British Quilt Museum and Gallery in York

The earliest patchwork quilts seem to be done in a technique that is neither piecing nor applique, but a kind of inlaid work called intarsia. Intarsia was more commonly done in woodwork and stone work, for example this marble intarsia from the Taj Mahal.

Craftsmen in several European cultures created intarsia patchwork hangings, as in the four pictured below, which are featured in a current exhibit in Vienna. Inlaid-Patchwork in Europe from 1500 to the Present will be up until March 14th at the Austrian Folk Art Museum.

Christianity is a common theme, but notice the geometric blocks that resemble piecework in the one above and those below. Many of these are probably pieced over paper.

Welsh Tailor's Quilt, about 1842, from the National Museum of Wales
Click here for more about this quilt:

The Masonic symbol of the all-seeing eye is in the center of this one.

When Nancy Hornback and I went to Germany a few years ago looking for sources of applique design we saw several of these, called tailor's quilts, very complex patchwork of wool made by tailor's apprentices as a rite of passage or a project to develop sewing skills (or patience).

A related style: uniform quilts, military quilts or soldier's quilts. The wools in these tend to be very tightly woven fabric known as serge or baize that has the bright color and the texture of felted wool. (Baize is the wool that covers pool tables today.) Uniforms were made of this dense fabric and soldiers in hospitals and on dull duty occasionally passed the time by making complex quilts of uniform pieces. 

Soldier's Bed Cover, made by Jewett W. Curtis (1847-1927), Alaska, dated 1889-1893. 99" square. Collection of the Smithsonian Institution.

Pam Holland's written a book with patterns for a Prussian quilt dated 1776.
See more about it on her blog.

View a British example in the Victoria and Albert Museum by clicking here:

And see more photos of some amazing quilts in  Inlaid-Patchwork in Europe from 1500 to the Present by clicking here to see an online exhibit in their press release.

Sabtu, 23 Januari 2010

Helping Haiti

I don't think I need to view endless images of human suffering to feel empathy and concern for the poor people of Haiti. About a week ago, my friend Mimosa pointed me to an interesting opinion piece in the Washington Post that questioned the barrage of graphic and intrusive photos coming from Haiti. How come we never see pictures of the horribly injured, both American and local, in Iraq or Afghanistan? There is a double standard, and the columnist in the Post was saying that in the case of Haiti the amount of disaster porn (my term, not his) paradoxically signals to the same disregard everybody has ever had for the wellbeing of Haitians. It's as if they don't deserve their own dignity. Starting from the year they tried to free themselves from France and the world conspired against the first independent nation of free slaves. Racism, is what I'm saying.
Having said this, I stayed home last night to nurse a vicious hangover, and so I watched the Haiti Telethon. I believe the effort is noble. Good for George Clooney for organizing it. I saw it streaming live on the net. A lot of manpower and human ingenuity worked very fast to make it happen and it was impressive. American can-do at its best. Even Madonna showed up looking like Cher with her new, waxy, extraordinarily scary face. No time to recover from whatever she is doing to it, but charity is first.
But something about the effort makes me cringe. It feels unseemly. It feels self-serving. Alexandra Stanley in the NY Times praised it for its restraint. Sure, Clooney made sure it was not a free for all of shameless self-promotion, and it was done with as much taste as possible under the circumstances, but I think she is living in LaLa Land. Celebrities manning the phones is a novel concept, and I'm sure it helped raise a lot of money, but it was, how shall I put it, ridiculous. And, as far as I'm concerned, horribly anxiety producing, because celebrities who have something coherent and intelligent to say are few and far between. It was like watching a car crash, seeing them interact with the callers. Plus I kept thinking of the jostling on who was going to get to sit in the first row. Call me cynical.
Some of the artists rocked. Stevie Wonder singing Bridge Over Troubled Water was the highlight of the night. God bless him, he gave it his all, which as you can imagine, is a whole lot. As was Mohammad Ali and what he wrote. You know that he feels the outrage; his eyes still dart with fire behind the mask of his incapacitating illness. Mary J. Blige: Amen, sister. Neil Young and Dave Matthews, Justin Timberlake and Matt Morris, even Kid Rock, Sheryl Crow and Keith Urban, their version of Lean On Me was very pretty. The music was mostly well executed and tasteful, if not particularly inspired. Mary J. Blige should sing the blues and gospel more often, and Jennifer Hudson is a wonder, but I could have done without Shakira and her vulgar, overwrought vocal stylings and without the Aguilera, and that salad of a song between Bono, The Edge, Jay Z and Rihanna which was a smorgasbord of hideousness. I love Beyonce but that wig was killing me. The Boss and Sting didn't do it for me. They increasingly feel like they are believing their own hype too much. I couldn't fail but notice that in most instances, most of the background musicians were kept in darkness. Why? They are helping too. So this is what's wrong about stuff like this, it puts too much emphasis on the stars.
But now that we've put the frivolity out of the way, I'm going to try to put my finger on what exactly is bothering me, which I think is precisely the frivolity, the grandstanding, and the milking of sentiment.
Maimonides says that the second most noble kind of charity (after giving someone an interest free loan or helping them be self-sustaining) is that in which the recipient does not know who helped them and the giver doesn't know who he is helping. He is obviously referring to individual cases, because he wrote in the times before CNN and the internet, but the point is that givers should not make a show of giving, that giving anonymously, without expecting recognition, without boasting of generosity does not put the burden of gratefulness or indebtedness on the recipient. It does not make them feel ashamed of their shortcomings.
I understand that celebrities and artists help encourage regular shmoes to donate, but I think it has gotten out of hand. Will people call because they want to chat with Julia Roberts, or will they simply give?
Also, the American penchant for the story of triumph and survival is effectively grating my last nerve. Do people ever get tired of it? Americans are better served by a more realistic and balanced view of life and not this fantasy of the triumph of the human spirit that has little to do with reality. Haiti is a perfect example of the callousness of the human spirit prior to the quake. As is the Ninth Ward. As is Darfur. Why do we need to wait for a catastrophe to pay attention to what already is disastrous and unfair? We only help the poor when disaster strikes? The rest of the time, you are on your own?  I'm not saying not to help, I'm saying there is something morbid and exploitative about disaster.  Selective philanthropy exposes our indifference elsewhere. The New York Times reports that Israel sent a crack team to Haiti with the only makeshift hospital with surgical capabilities, plus their experts on rescuing people from debris, as they did in Mexico City's 1985 earthquake and every time they can put their vastly superior expertise to work (they have to have it because that's their reality).
Its response to Haiti has been exemplary, but of course people in Israel can't help but think about their next door neighbors in Gaza that are being crushed by poverty and despair. Not to simplify a situation that is complicated by extremely difficult politics, which is not the case in Haiti, but those Israelis have a point. You can't be good to some and indifferent to others.

Jumat, 22 Januari 2010

Expose: The Facts Behind Snuggies.

There's something very disturbing happening in the world of STYLE. There's a new player on the field and it's looking to me like it may kick Fashion's collective ass. It's not another IT BAG. It's not a life threatening platform shoe or even a life-taking new species of fur. It's a monster going by the name of SNUGGIE. They are everywhere in every price point and appear to be multiplying like rats. I'm a trend junkie (not) like the next fashionista, but this one is a real Mamma Jamma. I told myself to fight the urge to purchase, even going so far as a 12-step program designed to fight the SNUGGaholism that is blanketing this country, and the world.

Just when I thought it was safe to lounge on my sofa, the doorbell rang. It was the MAN,the UPS man with a package addressed to me. In this new and unsettling world when a package arrives that one didn't order or ask for, you grab it. Who knows....it could contain the new life you've been praying for. I didn't even take the time to sign for it, but snatched it from those giving hands and sprinted back up to my lair, ripping off the wrapping the whole way. By the time the package was stripped bare of it's protective covering, I could feel heat emanating from within. What was in this heat- pumping box? Was it a new life or better yet, a new friend? Maybe a special bonus from Face Book due to my paltry number of FB friends? Nope. It was a Snuggie and it was a Snuggie that had made its way into my home. No exterminator was going to help me now. I was officially a victim of SNUGGINVASION.

To make matters worse,it was PINK. There was a cloying charm to it despite its fabric content which is too awful to print. Still,it spoke to me like a siren's song drawing me closer and closer to the jagged shoals of un-coolness.Ive heard on the grapevine that Italian Vogue is planning a whole issue around it which will be shot by Steven Meisel. The Blogger cover planned for American Vogue may get scrapped just to shoot it on Naomi for the cover. Anna would do most anything to scoop the competition. Fendi is supposedly making one in sable for Andre Leon Talley! Imagine the scale and LUXE of such a creation. I thought Crocs were the last behemoth trend to take over the world, but no, THIS IS IT. There's even a book that's been recently published called the Snuggie Kama Sutra; every possible position enhanced with a Snuggie. That is next on my shopping list.

Once I broke down, stripped, and put it on, I understood. This was my new life delivered by UPS. I now have a reason to get up in the morning. More importantly, I have a reason to rush home(more like stay home)and wrap myself in its fabulousness. Con Ed can cut me off now that I have real warmth enveloping my chilled existence. My only regret is that all is well when you face life head-on in a Snuggie. But for God's sake don't turn your back. The facts behind the Snuggie can be sobering, frightening and nakedly harsh.


So I went to my passport renewal appointment. Once you go through the doors of the Mexican Consulate in New York you are immediately transported, in a space warp, to Mexico: The Bureaucratic Version. A horrendous, uglyass space where the Foreign Affairs Ministry deals with the citizens of Mexico who live in NY.
I have many questions:
• Is there a budget for furniture and office decor and if so, is someone stealing it?
• Has the Ministry considered that the space in which they process applications is woefully inadequate for the amount of people they cram into it?
• If you are not Mexican, do they have a side door through which foreigners go to offices that don't look like a solitary confinement cell, that may have carpeting and wallpaper and perhaps even a fern? So as not to discourage potential travelers that think that perhaps Mexico is a modern republic and not the Godforsaken backwater some say it is?
• Does the government realize that this lack of the bare minimum of comfort and attractiveness makes Mexicans feel like second class citizens? Do we not deserve a nice, well appointed space in which to spend 2 hours of our time, mostly dealing with reams of photocopies and documents? Do we not deserve tissues and antibacterial liquid to remove the ink from the three sets of fingerprints we need to provide?

Having said this, indeed there has been progress. In a corner, there is a Xerox machine and they charge you 25 cents per each copy you forgot to bring. Next to the corner there is a photo station, and they charge you $10 for 4 photos. Perhaps they could scrounge up for some carpeting and some nice wallpaper, no?
Mexican bureaucrats have it tough these days. Someone is making them work. Gone are the days of the 2 hour coffee breaks or the nail filing sessions behind the counter. Perhaps even gone are the days of "if you want it done faster, I'll take your money under the table". Photocopies (what else?) proclaiming a commitment to the efficiency of the process are stuck to the bare walls. They seem rather impenetrable but they're there to remind us that we're supposed to be impressed.
The little perv who takes the photographs satisfies his dirty little mind by giving me a  skeevy ogle encompassing my entire frame, right before taking the close up of my face. I ask him more or less how long does the process take. I do not expect an attempt at humor, but a helpful answer.
"Only 2 hours and a half", he deadpans. I gasp.
"It's not that long is it? Used to take 8 hours. By around 3 pm, you'll be ready to get lunch" (it was 11:30 am).
His tone was laced not with lighthearted humor, but with bilious matter (which is what courses through the veins of most bureaucrats).
But after my last forays into the hell of Mexican and universal bureaucracy (because Americans are catching up), I discovered a tactic that drives the bureaucrats crazy and destroys their pathetic power games. I treat them with exaggerated cordiality. I thank them thrice for everything. I basically kill them with kindness. I strongly recommend this technique. It is priceless to see their faces collapse in disappointment that they can't get a rise out of you.

In fact, it took exactly 1 hour and a half, which is pretty impressive. And I must say that the poor woman who they have sitting on a high chair in front of an improvised desk leaning against a column, making sure that everybody has the correct reams of paper; that woman was unfailingly patient and polite. Women that did her kind of job used to be the meanest, bitterest, sourfaced evil bitches on Earth. And this woman needs all her patience, because my compatriots are hopeless when it comes to getting their shit together. However, who can blame them, when the requirements are so absurd? To renew your passport, you need the old passport plus 2 photocopies of the first two pages, plus two photocopies of the last page, except some people also need 2 copies of pages 5 and 6 or sometimes of page 6 but not 5.
As Lars Von Trier likes to say: Chaos Reigns.
And here let me digress, lest I forget:  With all due respect, is it a law that all Mexican toddlers be whiners and cryers and tantrum throwers worthy of La Scala? Or is it only when they are in the seat in front of you on the plane and/or Mexican government offices?
And here comes the surreal part: In the middle of this human maelstrom, I spot two agents for Citibank, very polite, pushing applications trying to get people standing in line to sign up for debit and credit cards. What fresh hell is this? Why are they allowed to do this? It is grossly inappropriate to be conducting business in an embassy. I thought of complaining in the box the Consulate so kindly (or cynically) provides, but I'd have to have been born yesterday. I'm going to complain to Citibank instead. And I want to know who is getting a kickback from Citibank for allowing this to happen. Outrageous.
Yet there is always something endearing about our unique version of the surreal. In this case, once you pay, you wait until someone calls your name to get your new passport. The name calling happens in three ways. First, the agent says the name loudly sans amplification. Then, only one agent has a functioning mike so he uses it to repeat the name, and if all else fails, a third agent takes out a megaphone, I kid you not, and blasts the name out of the megaphone, like in a cartoon.

Priyamani's upcoming movie BET Hot Movie Stills

Priyamani is casted besides Bharath for her next film Bet ,this film would be action plus romantic entertainer film ,this film is directed by Suresh krishna produced by Thondapu NAgeshwara Rao music is given by Deva,this is first time priyamani and bharath are paired up together,Actress Ramya Krishna would be playing an important role in the film,Bet tollywood movie stills..

Kamis, 21 Januari 2010

For the love of paper

I have to renew my Mexican passport at the consulate. The good news is now they have an 800 number to get an appointment, and the man I spoke to was a very courteous bureaucrat. Living in New York, I have forgotten the soothing dulcet tones of Mexican courtesy.
The bad news is I also have to bring my original birth certificate, plus another ID plus enough photocopies of all three documents to fell an entire forest.
Plus a writing instrument with black ink. No other ink will do. This, for some reason sounds Napoleonic to me.
Mexicans cannot be weaned off their love of mountains of useless paper.
Either that, or they so not trust themselves, that they don't trust the very passports they issue (which are full of cool modern stuff to avoid counterfeiting). I can understand asking for another form of ID. But the ORIGINAL birth certificate? Do they also want my Mom's placenta?
If they only knew what it took me to get a copy of the original birth certificate the last time I had to renew my passport. Heroic efforts not to pay someone a bribe and get it done in fifteen minutes. Hence, a full day of pointless, Kafkaesque, infernal,  bureaucratic errands.
In the US, you mail order your new passport and send a check in the mail. Or you get it at the post office. Next they are going to ask you to print your own, it's so convenient.
But the Mexican government, as hard as it tries to get with the times, still is passionately attached to the XVII Century, when it comes to pushing paper.
If countries were fined on their waste of paper, (brilliant idea, no?) Mexico would go under in a minute.

Stripes in Civil War Homefront

Every Civil War reproduction collection needs a stripe or two.

Detail of the tintype I use in my banner shows a neat striped dress and tie from the 1860s.

Stripes large and small were popular throughout the 19th century for clothing. The sisters above were probably photographed in the 1870s. The woman below wears the silhouette of the 1860s. Extra stripes were added with appliqued ribbon.

Border prints were a popular style of stripe.
And if you didn't have stripes you could make them yourself.

She must have heard that vertical stripes were figure flattering---but not in this case.

Prussian blue stripe were particularly popular for clothing and quilts right before the Civil War. This striped basket in a striped set is from a quilt dated 1858.

I have two stripes in my Civil War Homefront collection for Moda. The smaller one above is named Pumpkin Seed Button and the larger stripe below is Hickory Hoops.

Deb Rowden made the most of a package of precut Layer Cakes and the Hickory Hoop stripe in dark blue (Ironclad Navy). Her inspiration was a quilt from the Rocky Mountain Quilts website. Click here to see the antique. http://www.rockymountainquilts.com/files/antiquequilt_q8120.php
Spend some time looking at Betsey Telford-Goodwin's quilts. It's a great website for inspiration---and shopping.
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