Kamis, 31 Desember 2009
Berlin Studies #4: New Years Eve
Berlin Studies #3: N.E.X.T.
Personally, I'm not big on
Wandering through Berlin each day has an effect of dulling the facts of ones life and replacing them with new sensations. Getting back last night to the hotel in the falling snow (and ass chilling cold) where everything was silent and lamp lit got me thinking /remembering things
Fashion went around in circles to a large degree. The opportunities to boldly go where no designer
Berlin has been a feast to the eyes and spirit. It is jammed with museums, amazing old and new architecture and a society of people filled with energy. It's not a slave colony like NYC can be, like the U.S. had become in the last administration. I haven't enjoyed using my IPhone camera this much , EVER. It's so much fun to share these incredible sights
Tonight is New Year's Eve. The city is gearing up for a hell of a blast. Whole sections around the
the Brandenberg Gate and the Tiergarten, a huge park, will be blocked to traffic. People will mass there for a party that will go on until tomorrow. We've been warned not to venture out after midnight due to falling explosives. They
I wish you all a ver
* Happy 2010 *
Rabu, 30 Desember 2009
Gus Dur Meninggal Dunia Hari Ini Pukul 18.45
Breaking News hari ini ! Berita duka kembali menyelimuti Indonesia, Seorang tokoh NU dan Mantan President Ke-4 Meninggal Dunia Hari ini 30 Desember pada pukul 18.45 di Rumah Sakit Central Medika (RSCM) . K.H Abdurrahman Wahid atau biasa dipanggil Gusdur meninggal karena menderita kencing manis dan juga penyakit ginjal yg menggerogotinya. Beberapa waktu yang lalu Gusdur sempat masuk RSCM dan melakukan cuci darah setelah kondisinya drop akibat turunnya kadar Gulanya. Tentunya ini dipicu oleh Penyakit Diabetes Mellitus yang ia derita. setelah kondisinya membaik beliau diijinkan pulang. Dah hari ini beliau tutup usia. Selamat jalan Gusdur.. Semoga Arwah beliau diterima ALLAH SWT.
Civil War Homefront Precuts, Stripes and Chaos Theory
This pre-Civil-War top was the inspiration for colors and prints in my Civil War Homefront collection for Moda. It had been a comforter cover; was worn into holes; taken apart and then a friend bought it to use some intact patches for repairs. It looks rather pastel in this summer shot in my yard because the light is shining through it. The photo of the good parts below shows the color and the prints better.
It's rather chaotic, a look I love about early quilts where the patchwork pattern and the fabric patterns compete for your eye. I always love a good fight.
You can see it's a four patch set in strips with setting triangles of the large stripes that were so popular for women's dresses in the 1840s and '50s. The strips are offset so the large triangles form a zigzag, which you can hardly notice because the random stripes are screaming, "Look at me!"
I decided to interpret this top when my Civil War Homefront fabric arrived. I took a precut package of 2-1/2" Jellyrolls and gave my friends in my sewing group 2 or 3 strips each and told them, since it was my birthday and I got to choose a project, that I would like them to make as many nine-patches as they could out of the strips and not to worry about contrast.
Then I set the nine-patches with stripes in a fashion similar to the original top.
I thought about setting the strips right next to each other, but decided that on the chaos-to-calm scale I was of a less chaotic frame of mind than the original crazy quilter. I didn't even try to offset them to create a zigzag. That might have hurt.
This was not working. Then I recalled this antique quilt, which I found on an online auction. It had been in the back of my mind and I am glad I had the picture.
Here's a cobbled together shot of the top, which is going to the quilter this week. Five pieced strips, six unpieced paisleys. Blue triangles at the top and bottom.
On the sliding scale of chaos-to-calm it fits me fine. Those randomly cut stripes may be too chaotic for you. You could fussy cut them. I also had trouble sewing them all in the same direction, but that's part of the chaos that appeals to me.
I'm posting a free pattern on my webpage. Click here to see it:
Download Film Suster Keramas Gratis Foto HOT Rin Sakuragi
Dalam postingan sebelumnya saya mengulas tentang WARUNG PLUS PLUS HOT SURABAYA, masih tidak jauh dari yang Plus Plus kali ini saya menghadirkan FILM SUSTER KERAMAS yang dibintangi artis Bokep Porno Japan RIN SAKURAGI . Film ini memang sangat kontroversial mengingat film garapan MAXIMA PRODUCTION ini lolos LSFI (Lembaga Sensor Film Indonesia). Film yang satu ini ber Genre komedi Porno .Banyak sudah yang mencekal film ini, MUI pun melarang keras dan mengeluarkan Fatwa haram untuk menonton Film ini.
Dalam salah satu adegan di Film itu tampak RIN SAKURAGI sang Artist Porno menampilkan bentuk tubuhnya kepada dua pemuda tanggung, dia melepas baju dan Bra nya sehingga tampak payudara yang hanya ditutup oleh dua telapak tangannya saja. Miris memang, ditengah - tengah perfilman Indonesia yang mulai bangkit justru banyak ditampilkan sisi negatif yang tidak mendidik. inilah wajah perfilman kita.
Nah, bagi kamu - kamu yang penasaran akan film ini, segera download Film Suster Keramas dan Foto - Foto RIN SAKURAGI yang terkenal sensasional itu Dibawah Ini :
Berlin Studies #2: The Snarltorialist
There is a 5th Ave. of sorts, Friedrichstrasse, with all the hottest shops, ALL of them. They seem to be more for the Russians than the Berliners. They were not packed , but
So I pulled out my IPhone and started shooting like Scott, only I didn't ask people to stop and pose, but just ran all around them till I got something I could share with you. Being the Sartorialist must be a tough job. But playing the SNARLTORIALIST was a walk in the park. I rather enjoyed it. Most of my subjects didn't mind that much. It was only in the Leather shops, Berlin is the German word for
Animal prints are everywhere. In so many store windows there are snake and leopard spots covering every sort of article of clothing. There's also an unusual interest in eyeglasses. The more colorful and oddly shaped the better. Henna is Queen in this town, and all over Germany for that matter. You see henna dyed tresses in every shade from heavy handed to otherworldly. I think the Germans keep the henna industry alive. There is a charm to so much you see. There's an un-selfconsciousness which makes it so appealing
Luxury lives in the materials, workmanship and quality of things yo
"It" bags are very different here. They are either very artistic or totally practical. Yes, you see a lot of
Selasa, 29 Desember 2009
Warung Said, Ngopi Yuk Warung Plus Plus Surabaya
Ngopi Yuk .. !! Sebuah klise yang Fenomenal saat ini. Warung Kopi (WARKOP) saat ini menjadi icon dari sebuah kota. Di tiap sisi kota pasti kita temui yang namanya WARKOP atau biasa disebut GIRAS entah mengapa disebut kata GIRAS? mungkin setelah ngopi di warkop ini mereka akan tampak GIRAS / Melek (ada-ada saja nih). Salah satu dari ribuan GIRAS yang ada di Surabaya adalah Warung Said. Sepintas warung kopi ini layaknya seperti warkop biasa, namun coba lihat pengunjungnya apa lagi kalau malam, sangat ramai sekali. Warung kopi ini adalah tempat dimana para BLOGGER Surabaya Sharing (seperti yang saya lakukan dengan beberapa sahabat Blogger), tak hanya para Blogger, pengunjungnya pun juga para Mahasiswa, Tukang Becak, Executive Muda, Pengangguran, Karyawan , Penyanyi, pokoknya semua elemen masyarakat tumplek blek nongkrong di warung kopi ini.
Warung ini memiliki sebuah slogan yang cukup unik yaitu Warung Said, Ngopi Yuk. Diambil dari penjaga warung yang bernama Said yang dikenal Gokil, Genit, Namun Senitive . Warung Said, Ngopi Yuk ini terletak di Perbatasan antara Jalan Jojoran dan Mojo Surabaya, berdempetan dengan sebuah makam yang oleh masyarakat setempat disebut sebagai "Kuburan Balung". kesan seramnya kuburan pun hilang tergerus ramainya pengunjung dan guyonan khas suroboyoan di warung ini.
Ada Yang Plus - Plus di Warung Said, Ngopi Yuk
Jangan heran apabila kamu melintasi warung yang selalu ramai ini, Cewek-cowok, tua-muda, kaya-miskin semuanya ada. Warung yang terkenal dengan racikan kopi dan minuman - minuman yang dijual dengan rasa yang nikmat ini memang menyuguhkan sesuatu yang plus - plus terutama saat malam hari untuk memikat pelanggannya. Eits... jangan keburu berpukir Mesum dulu, plus-plus di sini bukan dalam artian negatif. Lalu mengapa disebut plus-plus? ya karena warung ini menyuguhkan sesuatu yang berbeda. Di Warung Said, Ngopi Yuk layanan plus-plusnya adalah Plus Gojlokan, Plus Guyonan Suroboyoan, Plus Layanan antar express, Plus boleh ngutang, dan Di warung ini juga Plus Jualan Pulsa. He...3x.. tentunya bagi kamu yang mengambil tempat nongkrong di sektor kanan warung, juga akan mendapat layanan Plus gigtan nyamuk :D (wakakakakak...).
Tempat Sharing Para Blogger

Berlin Studies #1: Nefertiti

I've just noticed that the sun doesn't shine much here. It's cold, wet and grey with a slight smell of coal smoke in the air. Unlike other places, these are just observations along with a list of others and not the thing that sets a tone. At 3:45 p.m.it's sunset and at 4:00p.m. it's dark. Simple as that. This is one of the most compelling cities I've ever explored. NYC has a lot to recommend it and plenty to send one packing. Berlin is like a riddle that keeps you trying to find the answer. This is my 4th day and it's been almost impossible to stop long enough to put this down. I just wish you could come along on this winding , twisting journey.
I will have to start with my coming face to face with Queen Nefertiti. You all know who and what I mean. The Neue Museum has an exhibition of Egyptian sculpture, art, and artifacts , with Nefertiti as it's jewel. Honestly, I'm rarely in a situation where I am without something to say. When
The color of her skin, texture of her features, the sinews of her throat, all look like the work of a master mannequin designer. At the risk of reducing her to something cliche or commonplace, she looks like a mature Audrey Hepburn. The eyes, cheekbones, jawline and neck all say Audrey. I stood and st
I found myself in many of the pieces that made up the exhibition. I could see a resemblance to these ancient Egyptians. Their heads were shaped like mine along with many of my facial features.For most of my life I've been embarrassed over the shape of my head; a bit too long in the back with a crown at the top and a prominent forehead. Well I found a beautiful basalt sculpted head of a man that could have been my twin. Our picture together will bear that out. The museum was filled with the most elegant display of a lost culture, a time long past. It w
Then there are the people here: Berliners, Germans, Tourists from EVERYWHERE and style Galore. Berlin is not a city of Fashion as we know it. It is a city of STYLE. Scott Schuman , The Sartorialist, came to mind and I channeled him.....sort of. You'll see.
Miss you all, kiss you all and wish we were sitting together over a coffee at Cafe Einstein sharing our thoughts ( Starbuck's is across the street, but who needs it?). I'm off...more later.
Senin, 28 Desember 2009
Document & Reproduction: Printed Plaid
Carte-de-visite photo of a young woman from
Willimantic, Connecticut, in the 1860s
Left: the document print; right: the reproduction from
Civil War Homefront, both in madder-style shades
Tintype of sisters in matching dresses of probable printed plaid.
The narrow silhouette indicates fashion of about 1870.
Left: madder-style printed plaid from about 1840-1860; right: about 1870-1890
Left: a mid-century printed plaid; right: later in the 19th century.
Printed plaids, although more expensive to produce, offer an advantage over woven plaids. They can be printed on the diagonal, a style impossible with varicolored warps and wefts.
Woven plaid set on the bias in a top from 1840-1860
Woven plaids are hard to date. This 150-year-old plaid could have been bought at a fabric store last week.
Mid-19th-century printed plaid (with a double pink)
Sometimes the only way to tell a printed plaid from a woven plaid is by examining the frayed edge of a swatch to see if the warps and wefts are dyed in the yarn or printed later. In this case it's hard to tell because the printed dye colored the edge yarns so well. While examining it with a magnifying glass I realized I could turn it over. A woven plaid would be identical on both sides. This is not. As Homer Simpson would say: "Doh!" Of course, examining the reverse is not possible when identifying fabric in a quilt.
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