Today is Saint Hunna's feast day.
She is known as the Holy Washerwoman and is the patron saint of laundresses and washerwomen. Other names for her are Oona, Una, Uma and Oonaugh.
She might protect you from bleeding and fading dyes.
Woman washing clothes
in camp during the Civil War
Woman Ironing by Degas
As a child raised by nuns I believed there was a saint for every cause. I've often needed the intercession of Saint Hunna. I've made several shrines to her with collage and Photoshop.
I am not the only one who needs some help with the reds. Here's a quilt from about 1910 when reds were absolutely unreliable.
So to celebrate St. Hunna's day: Prewash some reds and be grateful for recent inventions like the washing machine.
Federal photographers recorded this
Texas woman doing laundry in the 1940s.
Here's a book comparing painters's views of laundresses to that of this artist Jean Baptiste Greuze
Buy this book by Colin B. Bailey by clicking here:
See some disasters by clicking here:
And check out Jane Davila's post on Willie Cole's art inspired by the iron.
Here's more on his work that he calls Scorches
See my Print on Demand book with more Saint collages from by clicking here: